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CCGP33 underway / Updating Codex procedures to meet the need of Members


The Codex Committee on General Principles (CCGP) started its 33rd session in Bordeaux, France, discussing the latest modifications to the Codex Procedural Manual to meet the needs of the Members. The meeting was opened by Marc Fesneau, French Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, who emphasized “that to this end, it is essential that the scientific methodology used for risk assessment is constantly updated, considering innovations in risk assessment, so that Codex Alimentarius continues to be the internationally recognized authority regarding food standards”. In concluding he noted that “Codex is 60 years old, an age where experience and achievements allow to adapt with confidence and serenity to evolving global challenges and expectations of citizens”.

Olivier Becht, French Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad, added that “CCGP standardization work is crucial as it contributes to supporting commercial multilateralism based on shared rules".

Diego Varela, CAC Vice-chairperson, underlined how Codex Alimentarius "has been a successful player in shaping our global food systems over the last six decades through science, consensus building, transparency and inclusiveness”.

Sarah Cahill, Codex Senior Food Safety Officer, recalled the strong link between CCGP and the Codex Procedural Manual, first published in 1968. “Procedures are important – she said – they bring transparency, clarity and a common understanding of the way we work”.

CCGP33 is going to discuss over the next five days how to continue ensuring consistency in the necessary revision of Codex texts through time, as well as several other potential amendments to ensure full, transparent and inclusive participation to all sessions of Codex Committees.


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Meeting webpage including al working documents

Read more about CCGP

Download the Codex Procedural Manual


Photo © FAO / Codex Giuseppe Di Chiera