ESCOLA DOM CIPRIANO CHAGAS Banner-Dia-Mundial-da-Segurança-dos-Alimentos-2022---100-x-200cm (cropped).png
School in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and PANAFTOSA-VPH-PAHO/WHO launch an awareness campaign
The Escola Dom Cipriano Chagas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in collaboration with PANAFTOSA-VPH-PAHO/WHO launched an awareness campaign to mark the World Food Safety Day last 2nd of June. The School is part of the Favela Orgânica initiative that originated in the Babilônia and Chapéu Mangueira communities in Rio de Janeiro. This initiative aims at teaching children concepts for conscious consumption, healthy gastronomy, homemade composting and family farming. The celebration included lectures on food safety and the five keys for safer food as well as ludic activities for correct hand-washing and safe handle of food.
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