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39th Codex Nutrition Committee begins in Berlin

The Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) studies specific nutritional problems, drafts general provisions concerning the nutritional aspects of all foods and develops standards for foods for special dietary uses. The 39th meeting is taking place this week in Berlin, Germany attended by over 350 delegates from nearly 70 countries and over 30 international observer organizations. Opening the meeting, Parliamentary State Secretary Dr. Maria Flachsbarth underlined the continuing importance of the work of the committee in protecting health and removing barriers to trade. “This committee has a very special responsibility as it develops standards, guidelines and recommendations for food intended for people who need special care due to specific dietary requirements,” she said. Speaking of the numbers of children still suffering from malnutrition she stressed that “the balanced diet of a growing world population is an enormous challenge that the world community can only manage together.” Dr Flachsbarth CCNFSDU39 Berline 2017

Parliamentary State Secretary Dr. Maria Flachsbarth

Dr Flachsbarth also reminded delegates of the need to understand “nutrition as a holistic cross-cutting theme for sustainable development” in order to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Vice-Chair of the Codex Alimentarius Commission Ms Mariam Eid highlighted key issues under discussion including the standard for follow up formula and the definition of biofortification. “Every item is critical for us to achieve our goals” she said. “The standards you produce are science based and built on a robust and at times hard-won consensus.” Links Follow the work of CCNFSDU30 via the meeting page