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Food Safety Day in the Republic of Korea


Global experts gather at the 17th Food Safety Day in Seoul highlighting the rapid progress made on food safety in recent years.

In the presence of Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon an event was held in Seoul last Friday to enhance public awareness and build social consensus on the importance of food safety.

The Republic of Korea, through the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety,  has strong ties with Codex Alimentarius and has strengthened its cooperation over many years both in providing technical officers to the Codex Secretariat and in leading the work as host country and Chair of the Codex Task Force on Antimicorobial Resistance (TFAMR).

Speaking at the event in Gwanghwamun Square, Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon reaffirmed the importance of international cooperation on Food Safety noting the globalization of food trade and high customer expectations regarding food safety. He confirmed his enthusiasm to align the Korean food safety standards with the international food standards.

ROK Food Safety Day

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon (second right) talking with Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt

In congratulating the Republic of Korea on their 17th year of Food Safety Day, Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt spoke of the neeed for safe and nutritious food to guarantee social and economic development in every home across the world. On the Republic of Korea's achievements he said that it was thanks to the "able leadership of TFAMR Chairperson Professor Park" that "Codex hopes to develop relevant guidance for countries within four years" on the spread of AMR through food. Heilandt also congratulated the Republic of Korea on their "sophisticated food safety management system" which provides "very effective food safety accident control" and also includes a food borne disease early warning system.

Food Safety Day

Each year in Korea for the two weeks in May around the Food Safety Day, the public is able to take part in food safety symposiums, events linked to local festivals and food safety campaigns. The Korean government is also actively supporting the Codex drive to see June 7th adopted by the UN General Assembly as World Food Safety Day and sees the campaign as a way to remind people around the world of the importance of the issue.

Learn more

Republic of Korea - Ministry for Food and Drug Safety