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#CodexCAC43: First ever virtual session


At 12:00 CET on Thursday 24 September 2020, the Directors-General of FAO and WHO will welcome over 600 delegates to the first ever virtual session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission - CAC43.

Following an overwhelmingly positive response from Member Countries, the two-thirds majority required to ensure the 43rd meeting could go ahead, have affirmed their belief that Codex international food safety standards have a vital role to play for consumers in every home. The standards, guidelines and codes of practice that global experts have been developing since 1963 are built on science, agreed by consensus and designed to ensure that primary producers, importers, manufacturers, processors, food warehouse operators, food service operators, retailers, traders and competent authorities have a global food code they can rely on both to ensure safe food and to facilitate fair practices in food trade.

Discussions will centre around 17 new Codex texts and seven proposals for new work. Highlights of the meeting include decisions on a revision of the General Principles of Food Hygiene; a code of practice on food allergen management for food business operators, as well as standards for garlic, kiwifruit, cassava-based products, mixed zaatar, chili sauce and kava.

New work proposals on guidelines for supporting the development of harmonized food laws in Africa and guidelines on the safe use and reuse of water in food production will also be discussed.


How to take part

Codex Members and Observers should register via the UN Indico system

Working documents are available on the CAC43 meeting page

The entire 43rd Commission will be webcast live

Follow the @FAOWHOCodex Twitter account on social media and use the hashtag #CodexCAC43