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Spanish technology centre targets alumni to explain updated EU food safety regulation


The technology centre, AINIA, based in Valencia, Spain, is targeting alumni of their food-related courses in a World Food Safety Day webinar organized for 7 June.

Students at AINIA are taught about the responsibility of taking food safety seriously and, in particular, courses at AINIA cover relevant legislation and regulations. This webinar will address recent changes to the key European food hygiene regulation, (EC) 852/2004, which has been modified to bring it into closer alignment with FAO/WHO Codex texts.

Food quality and safety consultant, Vicenta María Pérez Sisternas, will join the Head of the Food Law Department at AINIA to talk about these changes and their implication for food companies.

The event is free to join.

Register here:



Date and time:

7 June, 11:00 (09:00 GMT)