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CCNE11 / Moving forward in facilitating safe trade in the region


The FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for the Near East (CCNE) will be sending for adoption to Step 5 the regional standard for maamoul. Maamoul is a traditional Middle Eastern baked product, enjoyed by millions in the region and of high relevance for CCNE members: “Having a Codex standard for maamoul is fundamental for the region as it would directly contribute not only to consumer health, but also to promote the trade of this product internationally” - said Khalid AlZharani Chairperson of CCNE - “There is still more work to do, but I am confident that we will complete the work by the next session of the Committee”.

Following an engaging discussion on how the region can continue to contribute to the Codex Strategic Plan 2020-2025 and communication initiatives, the Committee nominated Saudi Arabia for the role of Regional Coordinator, who accepted to serve for another mandate.

It was significant to see the entire region with its 17 Members taking part in the works of the Committee – said Sarah Cahill, Senior Food Standards Officer in the Codex Secretariat – We frequently stress that Codex is a process and a result, and it is the active participation of Members that allows us to draft the text that contribute to ensuring health and facilitating trade”.

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Follow updates on the CCNE11 meeting page for the final report and draft texts for adoption.


Photo ® FAO / Giulio Napolitano