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In memoriam - Hajime Toyofuku


It is with great sadness that we report the loss of one of Codex’ most active delegate. Hajime Toyofuku, Professor at the Yamaguchi University, Japan, and Head of the Japanese delegation to many Codex meetings, from food hygiene to fish and fishery products, passed away in September 2023.

In all the sessions of the different Codex Committees he attended, Prof. Toyofuku was always prepared and informed, working towards progress, while also making sure Codex respected its mandate and procedures.

“His contribution in the field of microbiological risk assessment is enormous and will always be remembered by all in JEMRA and Codex”, said Iddya Karunasagar, Retd Senior Fisheries Officer of FAO. “I will always remember Hajime as a dedicated and hardworking professional who brought a smile to our faces with his warm personality”, added Vidgis Chairperson of CCFFP recalling the passion of Prof Toyofuku for the work of Codex and “his kindness towards everyone he encountered”.

Prof. Toyofuku was also an active leader and co-leader of numerous Codex working groups, shepherding several Codex texts to conclusion, and continued to lead Codex work until a few weeks ago. In CCFH in particular, he led the work on a number of documents over the years, including the revision to the Code of Practice on Fish and Fishery Products (CXC 52-2003), to include histamine guidance control, and the Guidelines on the Application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to the Control of Foodborne Parasites (CXG-88-2016). At the last session of CCFH in November 2022, Prof. Toyofuku proposed to begin new work on the revision of the Guidelines on the Application of the General Principles of Food Hygiene to the Control of Pathogenic Vibrio Species in Seafood (CXG 73-2010). “The world has lost a very special person too soon”, commented the CCFH and CCVRDF Secretariats, “Thank you Hajime for your amazing contributions to CCFH, CCRVDF, to Codex and beyond”. 

An example to follow

Prof. Toyofuku worked to ensure the availability and use of science in the elaboration of Codex texts and worked to guarantee the work progressed facilitating consensus. “Hajime was an example to follow in Codex” said Constanza Vergara, Trade Regulatory Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile, recalling his dedication and valuable contributions to the work of Codex and his quality “to listen to any Codex Member who would need his help or have a different opinion to discuss”.

“Hajime embodied the epitome of what we like to call the Codex family”, said Sarah Cahill, Senior Food Standards Officer, Codex Secretariat, “contributing to the success of the work and at the same time reaching out to build positive and lasting relationships with colleagues all over the world”.

On behalf of the Codex family, from the Codex Secretariat we extend our condolences to his friends and family to whom we wish strength and courage.


Photo © FAO / Codex