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WHO Director-General presents the report on WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety at the 77th World Health Assembly


The report on the implementation of the WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety was presented at WHA77 showing the progress made all over the world in the first two years after the adoption of the strategy. Different activities are ongoing with support from WHO to strengthen national food safety systems improving accountability from national authorities and protecting consumers health. Here are some highlights.

  • WHO, together with partners, has made progress in assessing food control systems and developing implementation and advocacy tools with the contribution of the Technical Advisory Group on Food Safety: Safer Food for Better Health. Regional offices led the assessments of food control systems in Afghanistan, Cabo Verde, Papua New Guinea and Tajikistan.
  • A cooperation agreement was signed between WHO and the International Finance Corporation/World Bank to develop a self-assessment tool based on the strategic objectives of the strategy, to support Member States in developing or updating their road maps.

For the first time, a WHO strategy for food safety includes indicators to monitor implementation by Member States. There is progress in two process indicators for foodborne disease surveillance and for multisectoral collaboration mechanism for food safety events from the IHR. For the multisectoral collaboration indicator, the FAO/WHO International Food Safety Authorities Network delivered 29 national or regional workshops in the last biennium.

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WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety

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© Photo credits WHO / Liliya Smialkova