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Codex Podcast / Are we prepared for the future of food safety?


Is it possible to predict the future? This is a question that has always fascinated mankind, giving rise to myths, stories and legends about possible ways of doing it and its possible consequences. While today no one can predict the future, we can prepare for different possibilities by looking at early signs of change, using a foresight approach. And this is of the utmost importance in our increasingly complex agrifood systems.

This edition of the Codex podcast highlights how, through its foresight programme, FAO is monitoring how emerging global drivers and trends might affect the safety of our food. On the occasion of World Food Safety Day, Vittorio Fattori and Keya Mukherjee from the Agrifood Systems and Food Safety Division, also explain how FAO is using this knowledge to inform strategic proactive preparedness for future opportunities and challenges. 

"Today, food producers, manufacturers and suppliers are operating in rapidly evolving contexts with new food safety issues emerging due to the globalization of the food supply chain, climate change, population growth, migration, changes in dietary patterns and more" - says Vittorio Fattori - "Food safety needs to keep pace with these changes. Foresight can help us to understand how new trends, changes or knowledge gaps can affect the agrifood systems in general, and food safety in particular".


Learn more

Listen to the Codex podcast

More about FAO work on foresight

World Food Safety Day 2024 - Food safety: prepare for the unexpected