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CCEXEC86/ "Respond to the emerging challenges while leaving no one behind"


In opening remarks to the 86th session of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CCEXEC86), taking place at FAO Headquarters 1-5 July 2024, Maria-Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO, recalled "the longstanding statutory purpose of Codex to protect consumer health and facilitate fair practices in the food trade", and that this "remains the valid and noble purpose of the Codex Alimentarius".

Noting the work of CCEXEC which includes discussions on the new Codex Strategic Plan for 2026-2031 she added that "We must find a suitable consensus on how to prioritize our standard setting work so that we indeed can adequately support all Codex Members to respond to the emerging challenges while leaving no one behind. We need to agree - concluded DDG Semedo - on how we identify, define and prioritize future challenges as they emerge, rather than waiting for those challenges to proliferate".

Ailan Li, Assistant Director-General, WHO, underlined the key role of sustainable food systems and healthy people for sustainable development. "The global community is in serious need of clear, robust strategies to navigate current and future challenges. We must ensure that food systems contribute to having healthier diets and safer foods for the people today and future generations", she said.

Codex Chairperson Steve Wearne, United Kingdom, also addressed delegates during the opening of the session. "Following our year of celebration of the 60th anniversary of Codex in 2023, 2024 now presents us with the opportunity to look to the future and to advance our work on the Codex Strategic Plan for 2026-2031" - said CAC Chair Wearne as he urged CCEXEC Members to engage fully, "keeping our eyes on the objective of being able to propose a first complete draft of the new Codex Strategic Plan to Members and Observers".


Maria-Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO receives a round of applause by CCEXEC

CCEXEC Members thanked FAO DDG Semedo, noting this was the DDG's last CCEXEC session, for her long-standing support and advocacy for Codex in FAO and more widely, and Corinna Hawkes for her service and support as Codex Secretary ad interim.

CCEXEC also welcomed in her new role, Sarah Cahill, who was recently appointed Codex Secretary. "The Codex Secretariat is up to the new challenges ahead - said Sarah Cahill - We will assess our structure and ways of working with the aim of evolving such that we are delivering optimally in our role to support the development and delivery of Codex standards". The new Codex Secretary further noted that the Codex Secretariat will also "ensure there is broad awareness of Codex standards, given the huge investment that goes into their development".

Learn more

Working documents available on CCEXEC86 meeting page

Photo credit © FAO/Codex Roberto Sciotti