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CCFICS27/ Join the pre-session webinar!


A pre-session webinar has been organized in advance of the upcoming 27th Session of the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS) to give delegates the chance to better understand how to actively participate in the meeting, which will be held in Cairns, Australia, with virtual participation also possible via Zoom.

The webinar will be moderated by the Codex Secretariat, who will introduce the new CCFICS Chairperson, Tom Black, a regular and well-known contributor to CCFICS meetings and the Commission. Agenda items related to equivalence, food fraud and traceability will be discussed, as well as emerging global issues and new work proposals.

The Chairperson will talk about how he intends to manage the meeting. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions and join in relevant discussions.

The Codex Secretariat’s first officer for CCFICS will share his reflections.

Date:  Thursday 5 September
Time:  12:00–13:30 CEST
Register here
Download the programme here
Contact:  [email protected]

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CCFICS27 webpage