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CCNFSDU / Building active, open exchange and achieving consensus


The forty-fourth meeting of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) will take place 2–6 October in Dresden, Germany. We spoke to Martine Püster and Carolin Bendadani, who will co-chair CCNFSDU44 on behalf of Germany, to find out more about their expectations for the meeting and the committee.

Martine, Carolin, thanks for your time. Martine let’s start with you. This is the second time you will chair CCNFSDU. What do you recall of the experience of last year and how are you preparing for CCNFSDU44?

M. Last year, my introduction to the committee coincided with a big achievement of the committee – the finalization and adoption of the Standard for Follow-up formula for Older Infants and Product for Young Children. This was a great way of starting off my time as Chairperson for me, personally.

Witnessing the conclusion and adoption of this particular piece of work, inspired me for this year. It is evident that a close exchange with all involved parties, especially the chairpersons of working groups, is very important. I seek to have an active and open exchange with them, so that I understand the various points of view and positions.

Carolin, on the other hand, this is going to be your first time serving as Co-Chair of a Codex meeting. Nonetheless, you have experience as a Codex delegate. How is this knowledge going to help you in your new role?

C. My approach to preparing is very similar to Martine’s – firstly, I gained an overview of the history of all agenda items and then I closely read all the documents prepared for the session. I have delved into the scientific details and discussed them with the Codex Secretariat and the chairpersons of working groups established for the agenda items for which I will chair the discussion. In addition, I have carefully considered all the comments received. This way we ensure that all technical details are captured while not losing sight of the bigger picture, which is the consensus required to finalize a standard, or other Codex texts, and forward it for adoption.

Let’s have a look at the agenda of CCNFSDU. What are the highlights of this session for you?

M. For me personally, the agenda item dealing with the new work proposals is one of the main highlights. Finalizing the Guideline and prioritizing the proposals that have been received is an important endeavour that will have an impact on the work of CCNFSDU for a number of years to come.

C. On my side, I am especially looking forward to the General principles for the establishment of NRVs-R for persons aged 6 – 36 months as well as to the discussions of the actual values. This is very important work which, once completed, will for instance guide parents in choosing nutritious foods for their children in that age range and which, for the age group in question, can also serve as the basis for labelling to food business operators.

M: Actually, I would like to add that it is my impression that for many delegates, it will be a highlight that the full session takes place in person again this year. Last year, we organized an in-person session for the physical working groups and the plenary, and then held a virtual report adoption. Following the suggestions and feedback received after CCNFSDU43, we decided to return to a fully in-person session, including the report adoption.

In your view, how can CCNFSDU remain at the forefront of global nutrition trends and issues, in a rapidly changing world?                                                                                         

M. Having received a request from CCEXEC, CCNFSDU has been working diligently on the aforementioned guideline for the preliminary assessment to identify and prioritize new work for CCNFSDU. This will ensure that the committee has a clear and well-structured approach to receiving and prioritizing any new work proposals. Surely, this will help it to stay at the forefront. At the same time, CCNFSDU has just carried out a screening exercise to verify which of its standards might need updating. The initial results will be introduced at CCNFSDU44 and contribute to keeping the body of CCNFSDU texts up to date.

C. I would like to add that existing CCNFSDU standards have proven to be fit for purpose. However, some aspects need to be considered in light of experience gained and relevant scientific development in each specific field. Both Members and Observers can contribute to keeping the committee at the forefront of nutrition issues, e.g. by providing input regarding new food trends, and the standards up to date. Contributing to scientific methods used in CCNFSDU standards is one such example: a number of these will be discussed at the upcoming session.

One final question for both of you. What special advice do you have for delegates attending CCNFSDU44?

M. C. In order to make CCNFSDU44 a productive meeting with a beneficial outcome for consumer protection around the globe and trade facilitation alike, our first piece of advice is to come prepared. Reading the working documents as well as the information and guidance provided on the meeting website is the first step. In fact, should you be new to CCNFSDU, you are most welcome to join the Briefing for first-time delegates (details are available on the meeting website). Regardless, however, if you are new or have been involved for a while now, we request you to come with an open mind and ready to reach a consensus with the other Members.


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CCNFSDU44 webpage