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Codex Trust Fund / Twinning and mentorship programme with Burundi and Kenya

by Mr. Celestin Ntahomvukiye Codex Contact Point Burundi Five East African Community Partner States Burundi, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda are currently implementing a Codex Trust Fund (CTF) group project with the aim of strengthening national Codex Structures. One of the identified activities is to establish a twinning programme between partner states with well-functioning structures and those with their structures still under development. Burundi was allocated to Kenya for this mentorship program. The Codex Contact Point (CCP) from Kenya in liaison [...]
10 October 2022

Spices committee serves up new standards on Saffron, Nutmeg and Chilli Peppers and Paprika

The sixth session of the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs will send standards for Saffron, Nutmeg and Chilli peppers and paprika for final adoption by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in November 2022. A spokesperson for the Indian delegation said of the work on chili peppers: “There is high hope now for harmonized national standards across the globe for this very valuable and ubiquitous spice.” Chairperson Dr M.R. Sudharsan, India, said the achievements of the meeting were a source of pride [...]
09 October 2022

Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs / a trigger for change for industry and consumers

The sixth session of the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH), hosted virtually by India, began on 26 September 2022. Chairperson Dr M.R. Sudharsan expressed confidence that the committee would work to cover all the items on its agenda and make valuable progress on the development of standards. Mr D Sathiyan, Secretary of the Spices Board of India, welcomed over 230 online delegates on behalf of the Government of India to the online session and underlined how the numbers [...]
26 September 2022

Webinar series underway in Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling

More than 100 participants took part on 25 May 2022 in the first of a series of online events for work underway in the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS). Tom Heilandt Codex Secretary said “it is a wonderful initiative to keep these meetings informal so we can really learn together and get up to date on what’s happening”. The Codex Standard 234, Recommended Methods of Analysis and Sampling, is undergoing review to ensure the methods used in [...]
26 May 2022

Codex committee on fresh fruits and vegetables facilitates harmonization of international trade

The twenty-second session of the Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CCFFV) is taking place virtually from 25 April to 4 May 2022 and was opened in front of more than 200 participants by Dr Alfonso Guati-Rojo Sánchez, Director General in the General Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy of Mexico and Chairperson of the committee. In 34 years CCFFV has developed 42 international standards, which have served as the technical basis for the development of national regulations [...]
25 April 2022

Mongolia issues decree to reorganize National Codex Committee

On 22 March 2022, the Minister for food, agriculture and light industry of Mongolia issued a decree on the reorganization of the National Codex Committee. This legislation is acknowledgement by the Government of Mongolia of the role the Codex committee can play through its primary function of providing advice on the implications of a range of food standardization and safety issues. ‘’The Mongolian Government has obligations decreed under national security to ensure safe food production to protect the health of consumers,” [...]
07 April 2022

Case study / Codex standards help improve food safety in Thailand

The value of Thai food exports increased by nearly 25 percent in the three years to 2018 and some Thai food companies are reporting recent sales increases of between 20 and 30 percent. This is all because the Thai government has been vigorously promoting the Hygiene Analysis and Critical Control Points system (HACCP) in food establishments. HACCP involves identifying where food safety hazards can arise and adopting measures to mitigate them. A new case study published by Codex demonstrates the impact [...]
09 March 2022

Food hygiene committee shows appetite for advancement of consensus-driven and science-based standards

Over 400 delegates joined online for the opening session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH52) which runs from 28 February to 9 March 2022, hosted by the United States of America from Washington DC. In opening remarks, Steve Wearne, Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, applauded the committee’s “appetite for advancement of consensus-driven and science-based standards and texts, and the willingness to compromise where necessary in the interests of Codex and the people everywhere that our work will protect.” Codex [...]
28 February 2022

EU recognizes central role of Codex in facilitating transition to sustainable food systems

At a meeting in Brussels on 21 February 2022, the European Union's Ministers of Agriculture confirmed the EU's commitment to the work of Codex, and underlined the need for sustainability considerations to be given greater prominence in the setting of food safety standards for international trade. In the conclusions approved at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council, Ministers recognised the central role of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) in facilitating the transition to sustainable food systems and reaffirmed the EU's determination [...]
23 February 2022

Codex to explore its statements of principle on role of science to help find consensus on controversial issues

An informal meeting held online on Wednesday 2 February 2022 began to explore how a Codex Executive sub-committee will approach their task to provide operational guidance on the statements of  principle in the Procedural Manual concerning the role of science in the Codex decision-making process and the extent to which other factors are taken into account. The statements being considered uphold science while recognizing the relevance of so-called “other factors” when setting standards in Codex. Examples of those factors include constraints, [...]
03 February 2022
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