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codexalimentarius > Новости и события

Codex India talks food safety and trade concerns with the Secretariat

Tom Heilandt, Codex Secretary, welcomed the CEO of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), Pawan Agarwal and other representatives of FSSAI to the Codex Secretariat at FAO in Rome last week for a round table discussion on broad themes of mutual interest. Codex India is hosted by FSSAI and has lead the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH) since its inception in 2014. India is also the current regional coordinator for the Asia region and extremely [...]
19 September 2018

An ‘original’ risk analysis workshop takes place in the Dominican Republic

Constanza Vergara and Claudio Canales of the Chilean Codex Committee (ACHIPIA) used a methodology that combines science with creativity to build the capacity of food safety risk managers and communicators to analyse risks in a workshop on 28-30 August in Santo Domingo. The training session was part of the twinning programme of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) aimed at strengthening the Codex Alimentarius in the region. "We believe that the experience of Chile will be very useful to [...]
08 September 2018

Mongolia takes Codex web tools in hand

The Codex Secretariat held a webinar in conjunction with the WHO Country office, in which the Mongolian Codex Contact Point and colleagues had the opportunity to improve their knowledge of the Online Commenting System (OCS) and digital platform for Electronic Working Groups (eWG). Participants actively engaged in the hands-on session by asking questions and interacting with the Codex Secretariat afterward. The documents used during the training can be downloaded and other relevant materials may be requested of the trainers. “A beneficial experience” – [...]
22 August 2018

Workshop in Portugal boosts agri-food interest in Codex

A seminar, "Codex Alimentarius in Portugal", was held on 22 June in Lisbon for agri-food sector experts, public and private, including competent authorities and public bodies, associations of different production chains, universities and laboratories. Issues related to Portuguese participation in the elaboration of EU positions in Codex were discussed, with the division of competences between EU Member States and the European Commission. The main issues under discussion in each of the 19 Codex Committees were also presented by the different national [...]
08 August 2018

Strengthening cooperation on international plant health and food standards in the Andes

Andean government representatives discussed on 7-8 March 2018 in Quito, Ecuador the challenges they face and the successes they celebrate in setting international standards used in trading plant products and food internationally. Contact points, representing members of the Codex Alimentarius and parties to the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), shared their experiences while seeking ways to boost subregional cooperation during a workshop, convened by the Secretariats of the two UN organizations and Corporación IG-DE. Over the course of two days, standards [...]
15 March 2018

Timor-Leste: a strong national food control system to ensure safe food consumption

On February 20th 2018, the Government of Timor-Leste officially became the 188th Member of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Dr Rajesh Pandav is the WHO Representative to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and he explained to Codex what finally convinced Timor-Leste to join the Codex Alimentarius Commission. A strong national food control system will play a critical role in ensuring safe food consumption. The government feels that a strong national food control system will play a critical role in ensuring safe food consumption, protecting [...]
05 March 2018

Liberia continues to make progress with National Codex Committee

In October 2017 Steve Mambu, Laboratory Director at the National Standards Laboratory in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry spoke about the launch of the National Codex Committee in Liberia. At a recent Codex workshop in Nairobi we caught up with Steve again and asked him for an update on progress. In Liberia food standards are key to facilitating trade. Steve: As a result of the assessment of the food safety situation in Liberia, it was recommended we establish a food law. So I can tell you we [...]
16 February 2018

Regional workshop in Africa shares insight on using electronic tools

A two-day Regional Technical Workshop for National Codex Contact Points has concluded in Kenya's capital Nairobi, bringing together participants from close to 25 African countries, with the majority working within the areas of food safety and international standards. The workshop supported skills and knowledge development to increase practical capacity and ability of staff working in national Codex systems and to facilitate their successful operation in the Codex international standard-setting environment. This is through the use of electronic tools, such as [...]
07 February 2018

News from the Regional Coordinator for Europe (Kazakhstan)

One role of the regional coordinators in Codex is to bring to the attention of the wider Codex community topics of particular interest emerging from their regions relating to food safety and quality standards or trade. In a historic first for Codex, an Eastern European country — Kazakhstan — has taken the reins of the FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committee for Europe (CCEURO), as Regional Coordinator for Europe. Regional standard for mare’s milk Several meetings took place in 2017 with a producer of [...]
05 February 2018

Safer Food Training for effective participation in Codex

Bangkok October 11 2017 In some ways the premise is very simple: build stronger Codex coordination at the country level, use  Codex standards in national legislation, and then begin to influence which standards are developed in Codex to protect the needs of consumers or to seize a particular trade opportunity. However the realty in some countries is that the level of technical knowledge, skills, capacity and resources to actively and effectively participate in Codex is still under development. Countries need buy-in and [...]
11 October 2017