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codexalimentarius > Новости и события

Codex and IDF discuss the survey on the implementation of the General Standard on the Use of Dairy Terms

The Codex General Standard on the Use of Dairy Terms (GSUDT) (CXS 206-1999) took center stage at the Codex-IDF co-hosted webinar, which provided a platform for engaging discussions and insights on the use and implementation of this standard. Raj Rajasekar, Vice-chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, opened the event stating that “The GSUDT is an important text providing key principles and guidelines based on the product identity, integrity, truth in labelling and also fair trade”. Melissa Cameron, Chairperson of the IDF [...]
09 November 2023

Chile celebrates the 60th anniversary of Codex with a symposium

Chile joined the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission with the symposium “60 años del Codex Alimentarius, construyendo normas que salvan vidas. La experiencia de Chile”. The celebration was opened by a video on Codex and its mechanisms along with a presentation by Diego Varela, Executive Secretary of ACHIPIA and Vice-President of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. "Codex has been fundamental in the establishment of the production and trade system. This system has allowed for great growth [...]
09 November 2023

ACT in Pakistan / Training of trainers on Codex standards and foodborne antimicrobial resistance

FAO Pakistan, in collaboration with the Animal Husbandry Commissioner Office of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research, conducted a three-day workshop on Codex standards and foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR). More than 40 participants from federal and provincial livestock departments, food authorities and other relevant departmentsattended thistraining of trainerson 23-25 October 2023 in Islamabad. This was the first-ever workshop to raise awareness among field veterinarians and food authorities on Codex and AMR.    “Understanding Codex standardsis criticalfor well-being and achieving the Sustainable Development [...]
08 November 2023

The World Food Safety Day report 2023 is out now!

The report on this year’s World Food Safety Day is out now and ready to view. The 16-page document offers a glimpse into the immense variety of World Food Safety Day celebrations across the world this year and the unprecedented number of events and activities that took place. There were over 500 events in 139 countries. There were gastronomic and tasting events that promoted the enjoyment of food that is safe. There was a range of sports events that highlighted the [...]
08 November 2023

ACT in Cambodia / First-ever trainer workshop for veterinarians and livestock farmers on AMR and Codex texts

FAO Cambodia, in collaboration with the National Animal Health and Production Research Institute of the Government of Cambodia, trained 40 stakeholders from the livestock sector about the ways to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and implement related Codex guidelines. Such workshop of trainers was organized for the first time in the country for veterinarians and animal farmer trainers, taking place on 18 and 19 October 2023 in Siem Reap, Cambodia.    “This training is crucial for our future, and I am pleased more people will [...]
01 November 2023

Codex and IDF webinar to discuss use and impact of the General Standard for the Use of Dairy Terms

As part of the celebrations for the 120th anniversary of the International Dairy Federation (IDF) and the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), the IDF Standing Committee for Standards of Identity and Labelling (SCSIL) and the Codex Secretariat are organizing the webinar “Implementing Codex Standards: case studies on the General Standard for the Use of Dairy Terms (GSUDT)”. IDF launched a survey in 2022 among its members on how the GSUDT has been implemented at national and/or regional levels. [...]
31 October 2023

Survey on the use and impact of Codex texts 2023 / Deadline extended

The Codex Secretariat has extended the deadline for countries to participate in the second survey to measure the use and impact of Codex texts. The new date to complete the survey is 15 November 2023. “It is important for us to hear from our Members. We hope that the new deadline gives more time to collect the information and participate in the survey”, said Farid El Haffar, Codex Secretariat Officer in charge of the survey. This year, the survey focuses on the [...]
28 October 2023

Workshop in Honduras promotes safe use and reuse of water

The National Health and Agri-Food Safety Service (SENASA) of Honduras held a workshop to familiarize government officials, industry and academia with the text and tools contained in the guidelines for the safe use and reuse of water in food production and processing, which are up for adoption at the upcoming Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting (CAC46). Work to develop these guidelines for the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) was led by Honduras, together with Chile and the European Union. Mirian Bueno, [...]
25 October 2023
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Pakistan shares its experience in addressing foodborne AMR with Cambodia and Nepal

FAO Pakistan hosted a roadmap workshop to discuss priorities in addressing foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Islamabad, Pakistan, on 11 September 2023. The event took place under the “Action to support implementation of Codex AMR texts (ACT)” project, with more than 60 participants from Pakistan, the ACT project coordinators in Cambodia and Nepal, and the regional coordinator for Asia. “This mission allowed all of those involved in the project to get a clear understanding of the current antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial [...]
24 October 2023

World Food Forum / Two young experts share their vision on food safety

On the occasion of the World Food Forum, a youth-led movement and network to transform our agrifood systems, we had a chat with Espoir Agbohouto and Minh Nguyen, two young food safety experts currently working with FAO and the Codex Secretariat, respectively. In this interview, they explain how they developed a passion for food safety and how young generations can contribute to safer and more sustainable agrifood systems. Dear Espoir and Minh, thanks for your time. Why did you choose to study [...]
20 October 2023