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World Food Safety Day webinar in the region of Europe and Central Asia addresses One Health

The FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and the WHO Regional Office for Europe (EURO) co-hosted a World Food Safety Day webinar on 28 June to address the linkages between One Health and food safety. Welcome remarks were given by Raimund Jehle, Regional Programme Leader, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, who said: “Food safety authorities have long worked to manage food safety issues through a set of key principles including a risk-based approach, applying controls from [...]
06 July 2023

Promoting food safety in Pakistan – awareness walk, radio show, and seminars

To mark World Food Safety Day 2023, FAO Pakistan organized activities ranging from a radio talk show and an awareness walk to seminars targeting students, farmers, and the general community. The walk, which took place on 7 June 2023 in Islamabad, brought almost 80 key stakeholders to march in solidarity and show commitment to collective action to prevent foodborne illnesses. “We wanted to highlight the crucial role of food safety in protecting public health and promoting sustainable development. This walk helped [...]
06 July 2023

Peruvians receive a World Food Safety Day education … and walk for food standards

The Ministry of Health of Peru (MINSA), through the General Directorate of Environmental Health and Food Safety (DIGESA) and in conjunction with the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, through the National Agrarian Health Service of Peru (SENASA) as well as the Ministry of Production, through the National Agency for Fisheries Health (SANIPES) organized an "Educational Day for World Food Safety Day in Peru" in June. The virtual event took place via the Zoom Platform and was aimed at the [...]
06 July 2023

ACT project in Mongolia / Strengthening collaboration in combating foodborne antimicrobial resistance

As part of the “Action to support implementation of Codex AMR texts (ACT)” project, Mongolia is actively enhancing its collaboration efforts to combat foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR). A delegation from the FAO visited the country on 12-14 June 2023 to gather information on how the project is advancing.   “According to some global studies, the potential economic cost of antimicrobial resistance is comparable to the global financial shocks of 2008-2009. I commend the action of the Government of Mongolia in containing foodborne [...]
05 July 2023

Multistakeholder World Food Safety Day event organized by Egypt’s Codex Committee

Egypt celebrated World Food Safety Day 2023 through a special event co-convened by the National Food Safety Agency (NFSA) of Egypt and Codex Egypt, based in the Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality (EOS). The event highlights the importance given by Egyptian food stakeholders to food safety, with special addresses from the leadership of both Organizations and the leadership of the Chamber of Food Industries (CFI). The event also features an introduction to future efforts of modernization of the Egyptian Food [...]
05 July 2023

Ngā mihi nui: Celebrating New Zealand at Codex – Past, Present and Future

In mid-June 2023, just weeks after marking World Food Safety Day, New Zealand celebrated 60 years of success in Codex at The Beehive, New Zealand Parliament. The anniversary festivities were attended by the Minister for Food Safety, Hon Rachel Brooking and the Minister of Agriculture, Hon Damien O’Connor.  Representatives from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) also attended, including Director-General Ray Smith, Deputy Director-General (DDG) Policy and Trade Julie Collins, acting DDG New Zealand Food Safety (NZFS) Jenny Bishop, and other [...]
05 July 2023

Kazakh students create ‘flash mob’ video entitled “Happy World Food Safety day!”

Students of the Department of Veterinary Sanitation of the Faculty of Veterinary and Husbandry Technologies at the S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University, together with their lecturer, Associate Professor Laura Auteleyeva, created a ‘flash mob’ video for World Food Safety Day. Set to a rap sound track, the students can be seen wearing World Food Safety Day T-shirts and laboratory coats, as well as dark glasses, as Professor Auteleyeva walks into shot to front the ‘mob’ scene. Watch the video  
05 July 2023

“I know I can make a difference” - Evelyne Mbandi is named new Chair of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has named Dr Evelyne Mbandi as the new Chairperson of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) following confirmation by the United States Senate of former CCFH Chairperson, Emilio Esteban, as USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety. As she takes on her new role, much of the CCFH work that Mbandi will be picking up will be revisions of texts that need updating, in particular a number of guidelines on the application of the [...]
03 July 2023

Staff at soft drinks facility in Chile celebrate World Food Safety Day

A soft drinks bottling facility, Coca Cola Andina Renca Embotelladora, celebrated World Food Safety Day this year. Events were aimed at all staff at the facility in order to raise awareness of the importance of safety to operators and in order to continue manufacturing for the benefit of consumers. See some of the event photos in the World Food Safety Day Flickr album   Photo © Coca Cola Andina Renca
03 July 2023

Nepal celebrates World Food Safety Day with a city march and a high-level event

More than 400 participants walked in the capital of Nepal to raise awareness about food safety. Stakeholders from the government, academia, consumer forums, media, agri-food business, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) marched with banners displaying messages about food safety and food standards. The city march, followed by a high-level event in Kathmandu, was held to celebrate World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2023. “We need to prioritize food safety not only to protect public [...]
30 June 2023