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codexalimentarius > Новости и события

Poland first out of the blocks in support of World Food Safety Day

With remarkable speed the Polish Agricultural and Food Quality Inspectorate has already launched its awareness raising campaign as the world gears up for the 2021 World Food Safety Day on 7 June. Writing on their official website and on social media following the launch of the campaign on 18 February 2021, Poland encourages all its citizens to follow the events surrounding the UN Day and engage with others to celebrate “safe food now for a healthy tomorrow”, the theme of this [...]
25 February 2021

CCGP France / Organization key to building a successful virtual event

Countries all over the world were watching the French Secretariat closely as the first Codex subsidiary body to meet virtually, the Codex Committee on General Principles (CCGP), launched the 2021 series of Codex technical meetings. The Executive Committee had already shown that meetings could be managed this way for smaller groups and the first ever virtual Commission in 2020 had demonstrated that high-level gatherings were also possible with bigger numbers – over 900 delegates registered. The next challenge however for [...]
22 February 2021

Безопасное продовольствие для здорового будущего

Кампания в поддержку Всемирного дня безопасности пищевых продуктов 2021 года стартовала 18 февраля с видеороликов на канале Кодекса в Твиттере, на странице FAO в LinkedIn и на каналах в YouTube. Ее тема — «Безопасное продовольствие для здорового будущего». Этот день будет отмечаться в третий раз. Он приобретает поистине глобальный характер. Его цель — активизировать усилия правительств, всех, кто работает с пищевыми продуктами, и потребителей, направленные на обеспечение безопасности пищевых продуктов. Гарантии безопасности: правительства должны обеспечить наличие питательных и безопасных пищевых продуктов для всех. Безопасное производство: сельскому хозяйству и [...]
19 February 2021

#ВсемирныйДеньБезопасностиПищевыхПродуктов 2021 / Старт кампании —18 февраля в 15:00 по среднеевропейскому времени (CET)

Кампания в поддержку Всемирного дня безопасности пищевых продуктов стартует 18 февраля 2021 г. в 15:00 по среднеевропейскому времени (CET) с объявления темы предстоящих мероприятий. Представители ФАО, ВОЗ, Секретариата Комиссии Кодекса Алиментариус и Международной сети органов по безопасности продуктов питания вместе с гостями со всего мира обсудят, почему безопасность пищевых продуктов остается делом каждого, и расскажут, в каком формате пройдет третий Всемирный день безопасности пищевых продуктов, празднование которого состоится 7 июня 2021 г. Следите за прямым эфиром (только на английском языке) в официальном аккаунте Кодекса Алиментариус в Twitter — [...]
16 February 2021

Ecuador launches food safety mascots live on Facebook

On Friday 12 February 2021, at 16:00 (CET), 10am local time, Agrocalidad, the Phyto and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency in Ecuador will host a live Facebook broadcast to present a series of figurative cartoon characters that aim to carry key food safety messages to a wide audience. “Foodborne diseases represent a serious risk in both developed and developing countries and proper food handling can go a long way to preventing most of these,” said Rommel Betancourt, Coordinator of Food Safety [...]
12 February 2021

Ministers call on Codex to be bold in creating ambitious new standards

Welcoming delegates to the 32nd session of the Codex Committee on General Principles (CCGP) that is taking place virtually from 8 to 17 February 2021,  Julien Denormandie, Minister of Agriculture and Food, of the host country France said that in a world facing a major pandemic, the different stakeholders in the food sector everywhere face the challenge of producing healthy and good quality food in sufficient quantity, while at the same time coping with the risk of health, economic hazards [...]
11 February 2021

Codex technical committees underway again with meeting of General Principles

More than a year has passed since the last time a Codex technical committee met. When the Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance ended on 13 December 2019 in Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea, nobody could imagine that there would be a 14 month wait for experts to gather once again to continue their formal deliberations of Codex business. The task of kicking off the 2021 series of meetings, with plans currently for a virtual year and online sessions, has fallen to France [...]
07 February 2021

Webinar - 5 February 12:00 CET / Good practices for the feed sector matter

A webinar taking place on 5 February 2021, 12:00-13:30 CET, entitled Feed safety – Good Practices for the Feed Sector Matter, will bring together experts from FAO and the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) to discuss the importance of feed safety in the sustainable production of safe food of animal origin. The event will also see the launch of a new manual on implementing the Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding. Primary producers, including farmers and the feed [...]
02 February 2021

Codex technical committees ready to meet the challenge of 2021 online

This year is going to be a big challenge for the Codex system as the technical committees that were suspended in 2020 due to the pandemic prepare to operate for the first time virtually. Experiences with the smaller Executive Committee and the success of the 43rd Commission have shown that both small and large groups can be brought together on line, but how easy will it be, operating virtually, to iron out more complex, technical differences on pesticides, contaminants or [...]
28 January 2021

Online webinar seeks to build consensus around antimicrobial text under development

Close to 200 participants gathered online on 19 January 2021 for the first of two webinars aimed at building understanding on a Codex text currently being drafted in the Codex antimicrobial resistance task force (TFAMR). The text in question is the Guidelines on Integrated Monitoring and Surveillance of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance which is being developed to assist governments when they design and implement their own AMR surveillance programmes. Typically, this type of programme will involve collecting and analyzing data from [...]
20 January 2021