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Recap from Denmark Food Nation’s Global Food Talk “Facing up to the global food challenge – Everybody has the right to safe, high quality food”

Food Nation hosted the second Global Food Talk on World Food Safety Day 2021 (7 June) with opening speeches from the Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Rasmus Prehn and Senior Food Safety Officer from FAO, Markus Lipp. Food safety and quality have a significant impact on many of the global challenges we must resolve whether they are food-related illnesses, food supply security, or sustainable production. Our global food systems must produce enough safe food for everyone. The speakers’ overarching message [...]
17 June 2021

Sustainable Development Goal food safety indicator – plans explained in World Food Safety Day / Health Talks webinar

Dr Francesco Branca, Director of the Department of Nutrition and Food Safety at the World Health Organization (WHO) hosted an explanation and discussion of plans to propose a new, food safety, indicator for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a webinar that marked World Food Safety Day, and which contributed to WHO’s ongoing Health Talks series. Dr Branca was joined by his colleague at WHO, Dr Samira Asma, Assistant Director-General, Data, from Analytics and Delivery for Impact, and the Chair of [...]
16 June 2021

Agricultural Chief Scientists discuss digital traceability at G20 meeting

Speaking at the opening session of the G20 Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (G20-MACS) on the role of science, technology and innovation in sustainable food systems to increase food security and enhance food safety, FAO Chief Scientist Ismahane Elouafi underlined the opportunity 2021 presented to design a better agri-food system. “It is a really critical year that we are thinking at the system level,” she told delegates meeting virtually under the G20 Presidency of Italy in a two-day event from 15 to [...]
15 June 2021

Indian academics author articles for World Food Safety Day

On the occasion of World Food Safety Day 2021, members of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology, College of Engineering, in Yadrav-Maharashtra, India, authored two technical articles to promote the awareness campaign of World Food Safety Day.  Both articles address food problems that have arisen during the COVID-19 pandemic and explore the impact of COVID-19 on agricultural activities and food safety in Asian countries, including India. The college also organized a ‘Technical Quiz’ for 7 June on food safety [...]
15 June 2021

The International Atomic Energy Agency marks World Food Safety Day

There are many ways in which nuclear techniques can contribute to food safety and there are a number of projects and programmes run by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) across the world to help bolster food safety and monitoring efforts in countries. On the occasion of World Food Safety Day, the IAEA highlighted stories from Burkina Faso and Algeria, both of which are beneficiaries of a joint IAEA/FAO programme “to address food hazards, food [...]
14 June 2021

Food Tank in the United States of America hosts an international discussion about One Health

Food Tank, a U.S.-based food advocacy organization, hosted a panel discussion on June 7 to talk about "One Health: Food Safety for All" in the occasion of the World Food Safety Day. The panel included key international experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as from academia and the public sector. The discussion focused on the One Health approach to food safety which recognizes the connection between the [...]
14 June 2021

In Brazil, a school-restaurant organizes a week-long food safety campaign

In commemoration of the World Food Safety Day, SENAC Downtown school-restaurant in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, conducted a week-long food safety campaign (June 7-11) to increase awareness about the importance of handling food correctly and safely among the school students. The objective of this campaign was to strength students’ commitment to high quality services to their future customers. During the campaign, students received training in food safety measures applied in the kitchen reinforcing the importance of food handling which included [...]
11 June 2021

World Food Safety Day celebrated at Nitte University, India, with an oration by Prof Alan Reilly

As a multidisciplinary University offering a Masters’ Programme in Food Safety and Biotechnology, Nitte University in Mangalore considered it very important to highlight the importance of food safety by celebrating World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2021. The highlight of the celebration was an oration by Professor Alan Reilly, former CEO of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland. Professor Reilly spoke on “Strengthening National Food Safety Systems – Challenges in the era of Covid-19”. He outlined the theme of 2021 [...]
11 June 2021

Spain’s Veraliment pushes for a full 360° approach to the Culture of Safety

Food safety advocates and professional training organization, Veraliment, held its third consecutive annual World Food Safety Day event on 7 June this year. In a live webinar, "Culture of Safety 360°," the focus was on “all those actors that are necessary to implement a correct Culture of Safety.” Participants included Gemma Trigueros, food expert at consumer rights organization, OCU, Maria Claudia Degrossi, member of the Testing Laboratory Accreditation Committee, and Andrés García, CEO of Veraliment. The round table discussion was moderated by Fernando [...]
11 June 2021

Danone in China celebrates World Food Safety Day

To mark World Food Safety Day this 7 June, Danone in China convened a knowledge sharing event that was also available online. The company acknowledging the important role World Food Safety Day plays in strengthening food safety awareness and education. Their event attracted around 100 participants.
11 June 2021