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Codex webinar series to discuss critical text on antimicrobial resistance

A webinar to discuss key issues on a Codex text regarding antimicrobial resistance (AMR), currently being drafted, will take place online on 19 and 20 January 2021. Working groups are established by Codex committees, usually to develop draft texts between sessions and traditionally operate by correspondence through online platforms such as forums and commenting systems. The suspension of formal physical committee meetings and the need to advance work, combined with experience and familiarity gained by many in participating in virtual events [...]
10 January 2021

Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt looks back on 2020

As 2020 drew to a close we asked Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt to look back on the year and these are his thoughts. What has been different about 2020? Just about everything! Travel went down from maybe 50 to three times.  Physical meetings, both Codex meetings and others were “virtually” non-existent. The last time, I met Codex members was at CCEXEC78 back in February, and our last physical Codex team meeting was at the beginning of March. So, everything was different, but [...]
01 January 2021

Brexit deal recognizes the value of Codex standards

The “Brexit” agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union reached on 24 December 2020 was described by EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen as a “fair and balanced” deal. The treaty is expected to receive the support of all 27 member states and will be “provisionally applied” at the end of the year. Chapter 3 of the agreement describes collaboration on sanitary and phytosanitary measures with the objective of “enhanced cooperation” in international organizations including the Codex Alimentarius. [...]
31 December 2020

Incoming regional coordinators learn the key to Codex work

In the second of a series of online webinars organized by the Codex Secretariat for the incoming coordinators representing the six regions in the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the focus was on their role in the Executive Committee, the next session of which will take place, again virtually, from 13 to 21 January 2021. Guilherme Da Costa, Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission said: “The successful achievement of Members in Codex is directly related to the commitment of the Regional Coordinators to [...]
15 December 2020

Codex task force seeking consensus on antimicrobial resistance

Interview with Professor Yong Ho Park during World Antimicrobial Awareness Week The 43rd Codex Alimentarius Commission, which ended on Friday 6 November focused on the draft standards relayed by the committees that were held since September 2019. Among the topics discussed was the work of the Ad hoc Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance (TFAMR), an area of great international interest. After a lengthy discussion, Members agreed on the preliminary adoption of the revision of Code of Practice to Minimize and [...]
20 November 2020

Voluntary third-party assurance adding value to National Food Control Systems

Steve Wearne, Vice-Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, from the United Kingdom, spoke at the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Agreement (or SPS) committee’s thematic session on 3 November 2020, to explain the value that voluntary third-party assurance (vTPA) can add to National Food Control Systems.  Participants heard about the UK experience of using vTPA data in a new approach to animal feed inspection and enforcement, which has achieved an 83 percent reduction in official inspections, while investing more than ever [...]
16 November 2020

Growing relevance of standards as WTO committee celebrates 25 years

For 25 years an agreement on how governments can apply food safety and animal and plant health measures (sanitary and phytosanitary or SPS measures) has set out the basic rules for trading partners in the World Trade Organization (WTO). The SPS Agreement ensures a country’s consumers are supplied with food that is safe and that national health and safety regulations are not used for protecting domestic markets. The SPS Agreement encourages governments “to establish national SPS measures consistent with international standards, [...]
06 November 2020

November launch for webinars on methods of analysis and sampling

Codex recommended methods of analysis are particularly important for checking compliance with provisions in Codex standards. Foundation texts developed by the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS), such as The General Standard on Methods of Analysis and Sampling, CX234, provide an essential reference for food business operators and analysts. The upcoming webinar series, taking place online from 23 to 25 November 2020, will include a session with experts from Standard Development Organizations (SDOs), who will hold an open meeting [...]
03 November 2020


改版后的第四版Codex年度报告今天发布,今年的报告标题是《国际食品法典委员会 – 关于标准的下一步工作》。 在成员国、观察员组织、粮农组织和世卫组织以及全部六个Codex区域的专家的共同努力下,该报告概述了过去一年中取得的成功和遇到的挑战,传统上Codex年度是从一届国际食品法典委员会开始,到下一届结束。 2020年3月前,国际旅行受到冠状病毒病(COVID-19)疫情的影响,亦无法举行面对面会议。但是,在2019年的最后四个月, 粮农组织/世卫组织的全部六个协调委员会各自召开了会议,三个专业委员会和抗菌素耐药性特别工作组也分别召开了会议。 在这份以期刊形式发布的报告中,Codex大会主席基耶姆·科斯塔(Guilherme Da Costa)强调,各个Codex区域之所以能够做出非凡的贡献,“正是由于它们在处理棘手问题方面拥有丰富和独特的经验,尤其是在目前具有挑战性的新常态下。” Codex秘书长汤姆·黑兰德(Tom Heilandt)自豪地说:“我们收到了大量积极的反馈,各国总共提出147份赞同意见,鼓励我们有史以来第一次以虚拟形式召开大会。” 该报告目前仅用英文出版,不久将添加其他语言版本。   阅读更多内容 点击此处查阅所有国际食品法典委员会出版物    
29 October 2020

World Food Day 2020. Our actions are our future.

World Food Day 2020 under the slogan “Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together”, calls for more resilient and robust agri-food systems, and for global solidarity - both vital for our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and for building back better. World Food Day 2020 also applauds Food Heroes throughout the food supply chain who, no matter what the situation or where in the world they are, continue to provide food to their communities and beyond. This observance falls as the Codex Alimentarius Commission is [...]
16 October 2020