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codexalimentarius > 新闻和活动

FAO COVID-19 response affirms importance of food safety standards for trade

A webinar held on 14 July 2020 entitled ‘Joint Action on COVID-19: Boosting our Global Response’, presented the seven main intervention areas that FAO has developed in response to the COVID-19 crisis with a clear message that business as usual is not a possibility. If we carry on as usual we will see major loss of life. FAO Director-General QU Dongyu told participants that with 4.5 billion people dependent on food systems for their jobs and livelihoods it was time for FAO [...]
16 July 2020

Codex Executive Committee takes virtual route for standard setting

In an historic moment for the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the Executive Committee (CCEXEC) began its 79th meeting online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Spread over seven days (13-20 July 2020) and four online sessions, the committee will examine standards for adoption and proposals for new work from those committees that were able to meet before travel became impossible in March this year and all subsequent Codex meetings were cancelled. The recommendations of the CCEXEC will go forward for consideration [...]
13 July 2020

Peruvian organizations team up to promote food safety in support of hospitality and restaurant sector

In observance of World Food Safety Day, the Sociedad de Inteligencia Competitiva and Le Cordon Bleu University, both based in Peru, carried out awareness-raising activities in June 2020 to promote food safety, and enhance human development as well as the competitiveness of the country. The activities culminated on 24 June (Farmers’ Day) with a virtual forum called "Food Safety, Everyone’s Business", like the 2020 global campaign theme, for which more than 750 people registered including private sector representatives, researchers, government [...]
07 July 2020

Codex Trust Fund announces funding for eight new projects

The FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund Secretariat has announced eight successful applications from five Codex regions. The countries or groups of countries involved will receive funding to run activities geared towards building strong and sustainable national Codex systems with the ultimate aim of increasing their participation in the work of Codex. Africa:  Mauritius Asia:  group application from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar Europe:  Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan Latin American and the Caribbean:  Guyana, and group application from El Salvador and Guatemala Southwest Pacific region:  Samoa, Tonga A spokesperson for the [...]
03 July 2020

典委执行委员会第79届会议(CCEXEC79)将以虚拟形式召开 / 法典委员会第一次虚拟会议得到确认

今天,食品法典委员会秘书长Tom Heilandt确认,一场正式的食品法典会议将首次以虚拟会议的形式召开。在与粮农组织(FAO)和世卫组织(WHO)进行了广泛讨论之后,向食典委执行委员会的成员提出了以虚拟形式召开下届会议的提议,并指出只有在大多数成员的支持下,这项提议才能实施。典委执行委员会(CCEXEC)成员对此做出了肯定的回应,因此CCEXEC79现将在2020年7月13日、14日、17日和20日以虚拟形式召集。 “本届会议对于保持我们标准制定工作的进度至关重要,”Heilandt说。“目前的局势虽然带来了许多挑战,但也突显出在这样的时候,维护食品安全和制定能促进食品贸易的国际食品标准的重要性。虽然一些法典委员会已通过信函方式开展工作,但这将是一个法典委员会第一次真正在虚拟会议中聚在一起”。 食典委主席Guilherme da Costa确认道:“特殊时期需要采取特殊行动。”Da Costa与食典委副主席在当前时期一直与食品法典秘书处保持着密切联系,以协助寻找在COVID-19疫情期间维持食品法典工作势头的方法。 关注优先事项 CCEXEC79的议程将比例会的议程短得多,以便能集中于优先事项。其核心事务是标准制定工作,而且会议将对提议通过的案文和对新工作的提案执行重要的审查功能。这种监督为食典委提供了建议,并能确保工作始终是适当的和及时的,并确保潜在的挑战得以识别和主动应对。 Tom Heilandt曾表示他“对我们能够召开虚拟的食典委第43届会议(CAC43),以采纳在2019年实际召开的各法典委员会所做的出色工作持乐观态度。我们正在与粮农组织和世卫组织合作建立一种机制,以确保对所有成员的透明度和包容性。”因此,随着食典委虚拟会议也初露端倪,CCEXEC79的工作将为今年可能举行的食典委虚拟会议既提供有关虚拟形式方面的宝贵经验,又会为该会议准备讨论内容和决议内容。   了解更多 CCEXEC79的议程和会议文件可在此处找到 在此处了解执行委员会的工作 在此处了解所有与COVID-19相关的食品法典新闻
27 June 2020

Scientists explain why food safety is their business

The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meetings on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA) observed World Food Safety Day in a plenary session on 12 June 2020 by watching a short video that they were part of producing. Several scientists, participating in the meeting on Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) currently underway until 26 June, appeared in the video, explaining why we need scientists working on food safety and where in the food supply chain they intervene. Members of the FAO and WHO JEMRA Secretariats provided background on what [...]
19 June 2020

Twitter chat delivers food safety tips for consumers to use during the pandemic

How has COVID-19 affected food safety? What food safety measures should be taken when ordering take out or delivery?  These were some of the questions that were addressed during a Twitter chat organized by the International Food Information Council (IFIC) with the participation of the Codex Secretariat on Thursday 11 June.   More than 50 participants attended the online conversation and shared their views on food safety and COVID-19 with over 2 million users, informing them of the good food safety practices that [...]
19 June 2020

Food Systems transformation is everyone’s business

Ruth Richardson, Executive Director of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food and Francesco Branca, WHO Director of the Department of Nutrition and Food Safety take the opportunity of the World Food Safety Day to explain the urgent need for a radical change in our current food systems and the challenges to ensure a safe, resilient, sustainable and equitable future of food. They underline the need to take an integrated and inclusive approach to food, food safety, environment, trade, [...]
18 June 2020

Ensuring food safety during the COVID-19 pandemic - a Codex observer view

Science and Codex guidelines help food businesses By Leon Gorris, Secretary of the International Commission on Microbiological Specification for Foods (ICMSF) Ensuring food safety is a public health priority and an essential step to achieving food security. While we are celebrating World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2020, we remind ourselves that food safety is everyone’s business. We all play a role, e.g. food growers, processors, distributors, retailers and consumers. Around the globe about 7 Million people have been infected by the coronavirus disease: [...]
17 June 2020

Food safety hashtag shines on Twitter in a chat led by the UN Food Systems Summit

On 9 June 2020, there was a flurry of activity around #WFSDchat, the hashtag chosen to abbreviate World Food Safety Day for the online conversation organized by @FoodSystems,  About 185 users engaged in the chat, which consisted of 520 tweets with the hashtag, potentially reaching more than 4 million users. The chat centred on six questions that covered topics such as how current global challenges like climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic are affecting safety and what consumers can do to [...]
17 June 2020