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Codex podcast / the regional view on food safety in times of COVID-19

The six regional committees are the backbone of the international dimension of the Codex Alimentarius and an early warning system for global food safety issues. In this episode of the Codex podcast the regional coordinators discuss COVID, the importance of food safety standards and opportunities for new ways of working. Guests: Mohammad Hussein AliAbadi (Iran), Sunil Bakshi (India),  Nailya Karsybiekova (Kazakhstan), Kimutai Maritim (Kenya), Diego Varela (Chile)   UNFAO · COVID-19: the regional view on Codex and food safety   Read more Visit the COVID-19 thematic [...]
12 June 2020

Members’ webinar to launch STDF’s 2019 Annual Report highlights World Food Safety Day

On 11 June, the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) members held an online session to launch STDF’s 2019 Annual Report, in the context of World Food Safety Day 2020. The webinar presented the new Report, “Facing the future: shaping safe trade outcomes” to Working Group members who tuned in from STDF’s trade, health, agriculture and development expert network. Julie Emond from Canada, Working Group Chair, opened the webinar, which was led and moderated by Marlynne Hopper, Deputy Head of the [...]
12 June 2020

World Food Safety Day / Our big dream of bringing safe and nutritious food to every home

By Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt On 30 May 2020 7.22pm German time I was glued to my new quarantine TV watching the launch of the Space X DEMO-2 mission. I felt almost the same awe and excitement as I had in front of a much smaller black and white TV in 1969 when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. I don’t remember what I was thinking in 1969 but now a lot of thoughts raced through my head: the first was selfish. [...]
07 June 2020

Veterinary and agricultural science students to gather online to talk food safety

In a webinar on 7 June, the International Veterinary Students’ Association (IVSA) and the International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS) will host an online event to celebrate World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2020. Alice Green, an FAO food safety officer, will be giving a brief presentation on the role of agricultural experts in promoting food safety from farm to fork. Her talk will focus on the benefits of food safety – which include improved health, [...]
07 June 2020

World Food Safety Day / Codex Vice Chairpersons

 On the 2nd World Food Safety Day the Codex Vice Chairpersons share their messages. Mariam Eid, Lebanon The celebration of the World Food Safety 2020 take place in a moment when everyone's efforts are needed to continue and contribute to shaping the future of humanity. What the world faces today is directing attention to the Codex Alimentarius Commission which within the framework of its strategy can lead to a community with fewer food losses, less foodborne diseases, less poverty and less hunger [...]
07 June 2020

Twitter chat on safe dining and safe takeout food - new date 11 June

NEW DATE On Thursday 11 June, the International Food Information Council (IFIC) will host a Twitter chat in observance of World Food Safety Day. Anyone with a Twitter account can join the conversation, which will be led by @FoodInsight with the hashtags #WorldFoodSafetyDay and #WFSDChat and participation of @FAOWHOCodex, the Twitter account of the joint FAO-WHO food standards programme.   As the world slowly opens back up and lockdowns are lifted, people are looking for clear answers about how they can safely dine out—eating at restaurants, getting takeout [...]
07 June 2020

World Food Safety Day 7 June / Working together to make food safe

Guilherme da Costa, Chairperson Codex Alimentarius Commission Today we are celebrating the second World Food Safety Day, but we are observing this under very different circumstances to its inauguration a short 12 months ago. At that time we were still able to come together do discuss the importance of food safety. I was able to meet colleagues and friends from many Member countries face-to-face at a World Food Safety Day Event in The United Nations, New York and advocate for food [...]
07 June 2020

Facebook live event kicks off World Food Safety Day celebrations for FAO and WHO

In a wide-ranging discussion on food safety “from farm to table”, World Food Safety Day celebrations got underway on Friday 5 June, 2020 with a virtual event broadcast from WHO headquarters in Geneva, hosted by Pippa Haughton, WHO (left). The Facebook live guests were Sarah Cahill, Senior Food Standards Officer in the Codex Secretariat and Francesco Branca, WHO Director of Nutrition and Food Safety. Several hundred thousand viewers from around the world on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube followed the event [...]
06 June 2020

World Food Safety Day Webinar on what is safe and nutritious food

To celebrate World Food Safety Day, Dr Prakash Kondekar will be presenitng a webinar on what is safe and what is nutritious food. Date: Sunday 7 June Time: 8-9.30 PM (IST) Language: English   Agenda: About Food & its Category Food Adulteration Food Combinations Food Frauds Q & A Youtube Live Streaming   To register:
06 June 2020

AIARD 2020 - Making Food Safe: Meeting the Global Challenge - online events 8-11 June

Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt will take part in a webinar organised by the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development (AIARD) June 8th, 11 am - 12 pm EDT: COVID-19 and Food Safety The Codex Secretary's presentation is titled "Food Safety in the Time of COVID-19: The importance of maintaining and strengthening international cooperation in times of isolation". Session moderated by Thomas Pesek, UNFAO North America Liaison Office   Registration Follow the link to register for this and the whole series of AIARD events  
06 June 2020