Information Documents
Guidance on information documents agreed by CCGP28 (2014) and endorsed by CAC37 (2014)
- i. It is recognised that there is the occasional need for Codex committees to make available information documents, however Codex committees should not deliberately develop such documents and these documents should be by-products of ongoing work of the Committee.
- Have been developed and agreed upon by a Codex committee;
- Have been determined by the Committee to contain information that is useful to national governments and/or Codex members and observers and Codex Committees; and
- Are not considered appropriate by the Committee to be adopted as a Codex standards, guidelines, or codes of practice or as recommendations for inclusion in the Procedural Manual.
ii. Documents are considered to be information documents if they:
iii. Information documents will be made available on the Codex website of the relevant committee, clearly separated from official Codex documents and adopted texts.