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International Feed Regulators Meeting encourages feed industry involvement in Codex work

Senior Foods Standards Officer Annamaria Bruno with Daniela Barttaglia, Livestock Development Officer at the Animal Production and Health Division of the FAO, attended the 8th Annual International Feed Regulators Meeting (IFRM) organized by IFIF in cooperation with FAO from 26-28 January 2015 in Atlanta.

IFIF represents the global feed industry and IFIF members in turn represent over 80% of the compound animal feed production worldwide. The IFRM meeting is a chance for regulators and feed industry professionals from around the world to come together and discuss ways to provide safe and sustainable feed and food.

Topics discussed included feed safety management, product registration, antimicrobial resistance and capacity development for feed safety to implement the Codex Alimentarius standards.

At this year’s meeting, Annamaria gave presentations on recent work of Codex which highlighted some new areas of ongoing work in the Committees on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems, on Contaminants in Foods and Food Hygiene, relevant to the feed sector and on Antimicrobial Resistance, which provides information on some of the areas where FAO have been working

“The IFRM meeting was an excellent opportunity for both feed regulators and feed industries to exchange information and to highlight the importance of feed safety to the production of safe food. After the completion of the work of the Codex Task Force on Animal Feeding, the IFRM meeting gave us the possibility to present to both regulators and the industry side of the feed sector and encourage their involvement in Codex work", said Annamaria.

Further details here on the FAO Animal Production and Health Division website.


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