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CAC Decision on rBST: MRLs held at step 8

Maximum residue limits for a veterinary drug used in dairy cows to increase milk production

Dairy Cow

Somatotropin is a hormone that stimulates growth in humans and animals. In some places, bovine somatotorpin (BST) is used in cows to increase milk production.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission today agreed to hold draft maximum residue limits (MRLs) for rBST at step 8 to provide further time to facilitate a possible consensus.


Full Conclusion 

The Commission recognises the validity of JECFA risk assessments as the sound scientific basis for its deliberations on rBST. Nevertheless the Commission as the international risk management body, recognises that consensus has not been reached on the adoption of the draft MRLs at its 38th session. In light of the fact that consensus has not been reached, the Commission agrees to hold the draft MRLS for rBST at step 8 to provide further time to facilitate a possible consensus. The draft MRLs will continue to be on the agenda of the Commission and open to discussion.

Learn more:

Draft Conference report will be available here on the Codex website on Saturday 11th July
Read full JECFA assessment:

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