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The Protocol on Water and Health 4th Session

Codex Chairperson Moderates the High-Level Special Session on “Moving Forward on the Water and Sanitation Agenda in the Pan-European Region” at the 4th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health - Geneva, 14th November 2016.

Water and Health 4th Session

The Codex Chairperson Mrs Awilo Ochieng Pernet officiated as the moderator at the High-level Special Session on “Moving Forward on the Water and Sanitation Agenda in the Pan-European Region” which was held during the 4th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health in Geneva on 14th November 2016.

Advancing water and sanitation agenda

The objectives of the Special Session were to discuss the different perspectives and expectations for advancing the water and sanitation agenda in the pan-European Region with a special emphasis on how the Protocol on Water and Health could contribute to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda by supporting countries and other stakeholders in their efforts.

H. E. Mr Alain Berset, Swiss Federal Councillor and Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs, Mrs Piroska Östlin, Director of the Division of Policy and Governance for Health and Well-being, World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe and Mr Christian Friis Bach, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe participated in the High-level Session.

In her introductory remarks, the Codex Chairperson noted that the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda sets ambitious objectives and that achieving all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in particular those on water, health and sanitation would require stepping up efforts everywhere in the world, including in the Pan-European Region.

She called on the Pan-European Member countries to be innovative and to devise more efficient approaches which should include fostering stronger cross-sectoral partnerships. In addition, she stressed the fact that the continued efficient implementation of the provisions of the WHO Protocol on Water and Health would contribute to achieving several SDGs in the Pan-European Region in particular SDG 6 on clean water and sanitation and SDG 3 on good health and well-being.

Powerful tool to achieving SDGs

Following a keynote speech by Dr Jamie Bartram, Water Institute, University of North Carolina, Mrs Ochieng Pernet moderated the panel discussion with the participation of H.E. Mr Gheorge Brega, Deputy Prime Minister, Republic of Moldova; Mr Jean Launay, Member of Parliament (National Assembly), France; Dr Zhandarbek Bekshin, Chief State Sanitary Doctor, Republic of Kazakhstan; Mrs Agnija Tumkevic, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lithuania; Dr Raniero Guerra, Director General for Health Prevention, Italy and Mr Basil Rodriques, Senior Regional Adviser, UNICEF. In the ensuing general discussion, several Delegations indicated that the Protocol on Water and Health would be a powerful tool to enable the Pan-European Region to achieve several SDGs.

A healthy link: The Protocol on Water and Health and the Sustainable Development Goals

Safe and sustainable drinking water and sanitation are a cornerstone in creating healthy and resilient communities where people can work and children can learn. They lead to better nutrition and safer environments in both rural and urban settings. Better access also contributes to reducing inequalities between the rich and the poor, the urban and the rural dwellers, the general population and marginalised groups, and to promoting gender equality. Without paying due attention to water and sanitation, most of the Sustainable Development Agenda will not be achievable. 


4th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health:

About the Protocol on Water and Health: 

A healthy link: The Protocol on Water and Health and the Sustainable Development Goals: 



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