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Codex and IPPC promoting standards for food and plant safety

IPPC and Codex

All this week in FAO delegates at the Council have been able to walk through the Atrium during breaks and talk to experts in FAO about how the work FAO does matches the organisation's Strategic Objectives (SOs).

Strategic Objective 4

Friday it was the turn of Codex and IPPC to man the strategic objective 4 booth:

SO 4 - Enable inclusive and efficient agricultural food systems.

Senior Food Standards Officer Sebastian Hielm and IPPC Standards Officer Brent Larson (pictured right) were on duty today answering questions and explaining how harmonised international science-based standards are the way forward in facilitating trade, protecting the consumer and the environment whilst simultaneously increasing food security.

The work of FAO in SO4 was also showcased in a lunchtime side event where speakers highlighted the Strategic Objectives from an external perspective.

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