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Strengthening Codex in the Near East

The Eighth session of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee For the Near East is currently meeting at FAO HQ in Rome (1-5 June).

Nine member countries are currently attending together with observer countries and organisations as the Committee addresses matters relevant to the region.

Topics under discussion include identifying priorities and capacity development needs for the region as well as comments and information on national food control systems, consumer participation in food standards setting and the use of Codex standards at the national level.

Several products from the region will be discussed in work on developing draft Regional Standards. These include doogh, labneh, zaatar, honey, arabic gum, hummus and camel milk.

The Chairperson Mrs Léna Dargham (pictured), opening the meeting, welcomed delegates and called for clear strategic vision from the Committee so that CCNEA can be a force for strengthening the region in terms of food standards, food safety, fair practices in food trade.

Follow the sessions for the first time with hashtag #CCNEA8 via @FAOWHOCodex on Twitter.

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