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Codex Chairs Past and Present


Present and former Chairpersons of the Codex Alimentarius have been in the news recently.

Awilo Ochieng Pernet (2014-present)

Speaking at the 83rd General Assembly of the OIE in Paris, Madame Ochieng Pernet spoke of the well-established relationship of good cooperation and collaboration between Codex and OIE, which results from the clear objective of both organisations to work together in order to ensure the safety of foods of animal origin all along the food production continuum, while fully acknowledging each other’s unique mandates and specific areas of competence.

Professor FG Winarno (1991-1995)

Speaking at the Ubud Food Festival held in Bali Indonesia 5-7 June, Prof. Winarno, one of Indonesia’s most respected food technologists and a passionate advocate of tempe (a traditional soy product originally from Indonesia), discussed the cultural importance of this beloved food and its enormous health benefits.

Sanjay Dave (2011-2014)

Sanjay Dave, Director of the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), spoke in Mubai recently to India's FnB News at a meeting of Fresh Produce India 2015. He shared his views on India's current export/import situation and explained the similarities between Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and Codex guidelines. Sanjay Dave served as Chair of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and worked as an advisor to the FSSAI for some time before returning to APEDA. Click here for full interview

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