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Understanding Codex on Video - Observers

The following video is the second part of a short series that explains Codex Alimentarius to a wider audience.

Codex Alimentarius and Observers

There are currently 187 Codex Members in the Codex Alimentarius Commission, but of equal importance to the process of standard setting are the 234 organizations that have observer status in Codex.

The observers are made up of 54 intergovernmental organizations including, for example, the African Union or the World Trade Organization, as well as 164 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and 16 UN observers. Click here for a full list.

Working with expert observers allows Codex to benefit from the advice and assistance that organizations representing international authorities and important sections of public opinion can give.

In the case of the international intergovernmental organizations, the Commission can use text from such bodies as the basis for preparing a proposed draft standard or related text in the early phases of the elaboration process.

The video highlights the unique role observer organizations play in the work of the Commission, providing a valuable counter balance and ensuring that all sectors of the international community, industry and public interest groups have a voice in the standard setting process.

For information on how to become an observer in Codex click here.

Note: in some browsers you may need to wait for the video to completely download before it starts playing.


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