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Working in Codex
19 Jun 2015
Food Standards officers are recruited globally and come from a  variety of technical backgrounds. This month we introduce you to one of Codex's more recent acquisitions. What’s your name? Zhang Lingping Where are you from? China When did you join Codex? October 2014 What do you do in your job? As an officer in the Codex Secretariat, assisting [...]
Near East Committee guiding strategy and regional standards
12 Jun 2015
The Eighth session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for the Near East (CCNEA) took place in FAO HQ Rome from 1-5 June. Regional coordinating committees are responsible for defining the problems and needs of the region concerning food standards and food control and are also tasked with developing regional standards [...]
Codex Chairs Past and Present
9 Jun 2015
Present and former Chairpersons of the Codex Alimentarius have been in the news recently. Awilo Ochieng Pernet (2014-present) Speaking at the 83rd General Assembly of the OIE in Paris, Madame Ochieng Pernet spoke of the well-established relationship of good cooperation and collaboration between Codex and OIE, which results from the clear objective of [...]
Strengthening Codex in the Near East
2 Jun 2015
The Eighth session of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee For the Near East is currently meeting at FAO HQ in Rome (1-5 June). <a href="" data-mce-href=""></a> Nine member countries are currently attending together with observer countries and organisations as the Committee addresses matters relevant to the region. Topics under discussion include identifying [...]
We need common international safety standards for food.
27 May 2015
Dr Kazuaki Miyagishima WHO Director, Department of Food Safety and Zoonoses and former Codex Secretary, talks about the importance of Codex in International Standard setting for food safety. Speaking at the margins of the World Health Assembly (WHA), the largest health policy meeting in the world and the supreme decision-making body of the World [...]
Trade in Olives
25 May 2015
A recent online article in Mumbai reported on containers of olives being held up at customs at ports around the country due to irregularities concerning the amount of salt in the brine solution being used to preserve the olives. The article cited national and Codex standards. Understanding Codex The Codex Standard for Table Olives was [...]
Proposed draft Regional Standard for Doogh
20 May 2015
Doogh is a savory yogurt-based beverage popular in Iran, Afghanistan, Armenia, Iraq, and Syria. It is sometimes carbonated and seasoned with mint. FAO/WHO Coordinating Committees develop regional standards for food products moving exclusively or almost exclusively in intra-regional trade. In February 2013 the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for the Near East began work [...]
Near East Meeting to be held in Rome 1-5 June
13 May 2015
The eighth session of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for the Near East will meet in Rome at FAO Headquarters from 1-5 June 2015. On the Agenda The Committee will receive updates on activities relevant to the region and explore together priorities and capacity development needs. There will also [...]