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Saving paper
17 May 2011
Each participant should bring his/her set of documents to the Commission.  CRDs and late documents will be available as usual. Documents will be printed upon request at the venue with a certain time delay.Thank you very much for your cooperation.
CCNEA6 Change of date
4 Mar 2011
The 6th session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Near East will be held from 23-27 May 2011 in Hammamet (Tunisia).
Welcome to New Codex Members
17 Jan 2011
It is with great pleasure that we welcome the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Nauru as members of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Regions: Europe and South West Pacific). This brings the membership of the Commission to 185 members (184 member countries and one member organisation).
CAC33 report
13 Oct 2010
The report of the 33rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in English is available here.
CCEXEC64 Report
7 Oct 2010
The report of the 64th Session of the Executive Committee of Codex Alimentarius Commission is available in: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese.
Saving paper
11 Jun 2010
Please remember to bring your set of documents to the Commission.We will provide one complete set for each Head of Delegation which will be placed in the Plenary Hall's country seat. Other sets and/or single documents will be printed upon request at the venue which will mean [...]
Guide for first time delegates
11 Jun 2010
If you are a first time delegate to a Codex Alimentarius Commission session or want to know more about the way sessions run please click here for more information: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian.
Agenda of the 33rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission
11 Jun 2010
The 33rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission will meet from 5th to 9th July in Geneva.Click here for the agenda and documents: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese.