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Codex Regional Meetings begin in Vanuatu
18 Sep 2016
The RCCs provide an incredibly important opportunity for dynamic discussion on major and emerging food safety and quality issues facing the region. There are six Codex regions each represented by a joint FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC).They meet every two years. Each committee is responsible for defining the problems and needs [...]
FAO to support countries in tackling spread of AMR
14 Sep 2016
Global leaders will meet at the United Nations General Assembly in New York next Friday - 21 September 2016 to debate the emerging challenge posed by medicine-resistant "superbugs". Only on three other occasions (HIV, noncommunicable diseases and Ebola) has the General Assembly held a high-level meeting to discuss such matters, clearly [...]
Processed Fruits and Vegetables - Washington DC
9 Sep 2016
28th session from 12th-16th September - Washington D.C. This Codex commodity committee (CCPFV) has a mandate to elaborate worldwide standards and related texts for all types of processed fruits and vegetables, including canned, dried and frozen products as well as fruit and vegetable juices and nectars. The meeting will be focusing on completing [...]
Codex approves 39 standards in 2016
1 Sep 2016
All new and revised Codex texts now available on line. The Codex mandate is to develop harmonised international food standards, which protect consumer health and promote fair practices in food trade. The 39th Commission held last July in Rome, adopted 39 Codex texts (Standards, Guidelines and Codes of Practice)  If national governments adopt these [...]
72nd Session of Codex Executive Committee
24 Aug 2016
New timing to boost strategic planning in Codex. From Tuesday 29th August to Thursday 1st September the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CCEXEC) will be meeting at the World Health Organization HQ in Geneva. CCEXEC brings together strategists and technical experts from the global Codex community  This meeting less than two [...]
New Codex Food Hygiene Guidelines
15 Aug 2016
During its most recent 2016 session, the Codex Alimentarius Commission adopted two key guidelines that use sound science for setting a baseline for the fair and transparent trade in food. Most importantly, once implemented, they will have immediate and long term consequences for public health. One of them has to [...]
Codex and the SDGs
29 Jul 2016
On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all: The full title of the goals is "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" and the UN declaration recognizes that: eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme [...]
Codex OCS: current status, access and resources
20 Jul 2016
The Online Commenting System (OCS) is a new way for Codex members and observers to provide input during the standard setting process. The Codex Secretariat announced here, on July 14th the implementation of the system and as of today, the following requests for comments at step 6 have been made through the [...]