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Food Safety at Boao Forum for Asia
24 Mar 2015
The Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2015 will take place in Boao - a tiny island on the southernmost tip of China - from March 26-29. This years's theme will be "Asia's New Future: Towards a Community of Common Destiny". Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony  and [...]
Countdown to World Health Day 7th April 2015
23 Mar 2015
With just two weeks to go, How much do you know about your food and how safe is is it? Click here for details on the WHO website. 
Six Languages for ‘Veterinary Drug Residue In Food’ Online Database
5 Mar 2015
The database is now available online in 6 languages, but what are minimum residue limits in veterinary drugs (MRLs) and why do we need them? Two Codex Senior Food Standards Officers respond.   Food from animals (e.g meat, milk, eggs, fish, seafood etc) treated with veterinary drugs/medicines must not contain any residue that [...]
New science-based guidance for risk analysis in AMR
5 Mar 2015
Codex texts on foodborne antimicrobial resistance (1st edition) This special publication has been prepared to support the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) that WHO is developing in collaboration with FAO and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) with a view to its adoption in May 2015. The publication compiles [...]
WHO launches 5 keys to safer food
17 Feb 2015
On Tuesday 7 April 2015, WHO will celebrate its main annual advocacy event - World Health Day (WHD) - with “food safety” as the theme. The occasion also marks the World Health Organization’s birthday. The main focus of this event will be to demonstrate the importance of food safety along [...]
Progress on standards for fats and oils
14 Feb 2015
The 24th Session of the Committee on Fats and Oils held in Melaka Malaysia from 9-13 February 2013, was attended by 40 Member countries, one Member organization and 5 international organizations. Three proposals will be forwarded for approval as new work: ·         adding palm oil with high oleic acid to the current standard [...]
Online Comment System: interested companies can reply to public notice on UNGM website
6 Feb 2015
The Codex Secretariat through the FAO Procurement team has submitted a Request For Information through a Public Notice on the website of the United Nations General Market (UNGM), with the purpose of obtaining information on the availability of software products to replace the current Codex Online Comment System (OCS).  Interested companies [...]
24th Session of Codex Committee on Fats and Oils - Melaka, Malaysia, 9–13 February 2015
2 Feb 2015
The 24th Session of the joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme Codex Committee on Fats and Oils will be held in Melaka, Malaysia, 9–13 February 2015. Items on the agenda include a proposed Draft Standard for Fish Oils; review of the List of Acceptable Previous Cargoes; discussions on reference to acceptance and [...]