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Nutrition and Labelling

With advancements in technology, it is possible today to produce food that caters to innumerable preferences and expectations. Confronted by so many options, consumers nowadays are often faced with the challenge of understanding exactly what they are buying and consuming. Food information, such as nutrients and ingredients, are more important than ever before in helping consumers make informed choices when buying food.

The role of Codex in Nutrition and Labelling

Codex provides guidance on the compositional requirements of foods so that they are nutritionally safe. Codex also provides guidance on general labelling of foods and the health or nutrient claims producers make on labels, with terms such as "low fat", "high fat" etc. Codex guidance ensures that consumers understand what they are buying and that "it is what it says it is". 

The Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary uses (CCNFSDU) addresses a wide range of technical and regulatory issues for foods that can contribute to the prevention of nutritional deficiencies and diet-related non-communicable diseases. The Codex Committee on Food Labelling  (CCFL) sets standards and guidelines for nutrition information on food packages enabling consumers to make informed food choices. As fora in which member countries, leading industry associations and consumer organisations actively participate, the Nutrition and Labelling committees are important tools for influencing the food system and gaining global consensus on nutrition topics.

Related Codex Texts

Reference Title Committee Last modified
CXS 107-1981General Standard for the Labelling of Food Additives when sold as suchCCFA2016
CXS 150-1985Standard for Food Grade SaltCCFA2012
CXS 106-1983General Standard for Irradiated FoodsCCFH2003
CXS 1-1985General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged FoodsCCFL2018
CXG 2-1985Guidelines on Nutrition LabellingCCFL2021
CXA 4-1989Classification of Foods and Animal FeedsCCPR1993
CXS 151-1985Standard for GariCCCPL2023
CXS 152-1985Standard for Wheat FlourCCCPL2023
CXS 153-1985Standard for Maize (Corn)CCCPL2019
CXS 155-1985Standard for Degermed Maize (Corn) Meal and Maize (Corn) GritsCCCPL2023
CXS 169-1989Standard for Whole and Decorticated Pearl Millet GrainsCCCPL2023
CXS 171-1989Standard for Certain PulsesCCCPL1995
CXS 172-1989Standard for Sorghum GrainsCCCPL2023
CXS 173-1989Standard for Sorghum FlourCCCPL2023
CXS 176-1989Standard for Edible Cassava FlourCCCPL2023
CXS 178-1991Standard for Durum Wheat Semolina and Durum Wheat FlourCCCPL2023
CXS 198-1995Standard for RiceCCCPL2019
CXS 199-1995Standard for Wheat and Durum WheatCCCPL2019
CXS 200-1995Standard for PeanutsCCCPL2019
CXS 201-1995Standard for OatsCCCPL2019
CXS 202-1995Standard for CouscousCCCPL1995
CXS 86-1981Standard for Cocoa ButterCCCPC2022
CXS 87-1981Standard for Chocolate and Chocolate ProductsCCCPC2022
CXS 105-1981Standard for Cocoa powders (cocoas) and dry mixtures of cocoa and sugarsCCCPC2022
CXS 3-1981Standard for Canned SalmonCCFFP2013
CXS 36-1981Standard for Quick Frozen Finfish, Uneviscerated and Eviscerated CCFFP2017
CXS 37-1991Standard for Canned Shrimps or PrawnsCCFFP2018
CXS 90-1981Standard for Canned Crab MeatCCFFP2018
CXS 92-1981Standard for Quick Frozen Shrimps or PrawnsCCFFP2017
CXS 95-1981Standard for Quick Frozen LobstersCCFFP2017
CXS 119-1981Standard for Canned FinfishCCFFP2018
CXS 165-1989Standard for Quick Frozen Blocks of Fish Fillets, Minced Fish Flesh and Mixtures of Fillets and Minced Fish FleshCCFFP2017
CXS 166-1989Standard for Quick Frozen Fish Sticks (Fish Fingers), Fish Portions and Fish Fillets - Breaded or in BatterCCFFP2017
CXS 167-1989Standard for Salted Fish and Dried Salted Fish of the Gadidae Family of FishesCCFFP2018
CXS 189-1993Standard for Dried Shark FinsCCFFP1993
CXS 190-1995Standard for Quick Frozen Fish FilletsCCFFP2017
CXS 191-1995Standard for Quick Frozen Raw SquidCCFFP1995
CXS 141-1983Standard for Cocoa (Cacao) Mass (Cocoa/Chocolate Liquor) and Cocoa CakeCCCPC2022
CXS 19-1981Standard for Edible Fats and Oils not Covered by Individual StandardsCCFO2023
CXS 33-1981Standard for Olive Oils and Olive Pomace OilsCCFO2021
CXS 17-1981Standard for Canned ApplesauceCCPFV2022
CXS 38-1981Standard for Edible Fungi and Fungus ProductsCCPFV2023
CXS 39-1981Standard for Dried Edible FungiCCPFV2023
CXS 40R-1981Regional Standard for Chanterelles (Europe)CCEURO2022
CXS 60-1981Standard for Canned RaspberriesCCPFV2023
CXS 62-1981Standard for Canned StrawberriesCCPFV2022
CXS 66-1981Standard for Table OlivesCCPFV2023
CXS 67-1981Standard for RaisinsCCPFV2019
CXS 99-1981Standard for Canned Tropical Fruit SaladCCPFV2017
CXS 115-1981Standard for Pickled Cucumbers (Cucumber Pickles)CCPFV2022
CXS 131-1981Standard for Unshelled Pistachio NutsCCPFV2023
CXS 143-1985Standard for DatesCCPFV2019
CXS 88-1981Standard for Corned BeefCCPMPP2022
CXS 89-1981Standard for Luncheon MeatCCPMPP2022
CXS 96-1981Standard for Cooked Cured HamCCPMPP2022
CXS 97-1981Standard for Cooked Cured Pork ShoulderCCPMPP2022
CXS 98-1981Standard for Cooked Cured Chopped MeatCCPMPP2022
CXS 145-1985Standard for Canned Chestnuts and Canned Chestnut PuréeCCPFV2022
CXS 160-1987Standard for Mango ChutneyCCPFV2023
CXS 52-1981Standard for Quick Frozen StrawberriesCCPFV2022
CXS 69-1981Standard for Quick Frozen RaspberriesCCPFV2022
CXS 75-1981Standard for Quick Frozen PeachesCCPFV2022
CXS 76-1981Standard for Quick Frozen BilberriesCCPFV2022
CXS 103-1981Standard for Quick Frozen BlueberriesCCPFV2022
CXS 279-1971Standard for ButterCCMMP2022
CXS 280-1973Standard for Milkfat ProductsCCMMP2022
CXS 281-1971Standard for Evaporated MilksCCMMP2023
CXS 282-1971Standard for Sweetened Condensed MilksCCMMP2023
CXS 284-1971Standard for Whey CheesesCCMMP2022
CXS 288-1976Standard for Cream and Prepared CreamsCCMMP2022
CXS 289-1995Standard for Whey PowdersCCMMP2022
CXS 290-1995Standard for Edible Casein ProductsCCMMP2023
CXS 263-1966Standard for CheddarCCMMP2022
CXS 266-1966Standard for GoudaCCMMP2022
CXS 270-1968Standard for TilsiterCCMMP2022
CXS 271-1968Standard for Saint-PaulinCCMMP2022
CXS 272-1968Standard for ProvoloneCCMMP2022
CXS 276-1973Standard for CamembertCCMMP2022
CXS 278-1978Standard for Extra Hard Grating CheeseCCMMP2022
CXS 108-1981Standard for Natural Mineral WatersCCNMW2019
CXS 13-1981Standard for Preserved TomatoesCCPFV2023
CXS 117-1981Standard for Bouillons and ConsommésCCSB2021
CXS 53-1981Standard for Special Dietary Foods with Low-Sodium Content (Including Salt Substitutes)CCNFSDU2019
CXS 73-1981Standard for Canned Baby FoodsCCNFSDU2023
CXS 74-1981Standard for Processed Cereal-Based Foods for Infants and Young ChildrenCCNFSDU2023
CXS 118-1979Standard for Foods for Special Dietary Use for Persons Intolerant to GlutenCCNFSDU2015
CXS 156-1987Standard for Follow-up formula for Older Infants and Product for Young ChildrenCCNFSDU2023
CXS 180-1991Standard for Labelling of and Claims for Foods for Special Medical PurposesCCNFSDU1991
CXS 181-1991Standard for Formula Foods for Use in Weight Control DietsCCNFSDU2023
CXS 203-1995Standard for Formula Foods for Use in Very Low Energy Diets for Weight ReductionCCNFSDU2023
CXG 9-1987General Principles for the Addition of Essential Nutrients to FoodsCCNFSDU2015
CXS 12-1981Standard for HoneyCCS2022
CXS 182-1993Standard for PineapplesCCFFV2011
CXS 183-1993Standard for PapayaCCFFV2011
CXS 184-1993Standard for MangoesCCFFV2005
CXS 185-1993Standard for NopalCCFFV2005
CXS 186-1993Standard for Prickly PearCCFFV2005
CXS 187-1993Standard for CarambolaCCFFV2005
CXS 188-1993Standard for Baby CornCCFFV2005
CXS 196-1995Standard for LitchiCCFFV2011
CXS 197-1995Standard for AvocadoCCFFV2013
CXS 163-1987Standard for Wheat Protein Products Including Wheat GlutenCCVP2022
CXS 174-1989General Standard for Vegetable Protein Products (VPP)CCVP2022
CXS 205-1997Standard for BananasCCFFV2022
CXS 204-1997Standard for MangosteensCCFFV2005
CXS 246-2005Standard for RambutanCCFFV2005
CXS 242-2003Standard for Canned Stone FruitsCCPFV2022
CXS 236-2003Standard for Boiled Dried Salted AnchoviesCCFFP2003
CXS 244-2004Standard for Salted Atlantic Herring and Salted SpratCCFFP2018
CXS 298R-2009Regional Standard for Fermented Soybean Paste (Asia)CCASIA2023
CXS 206-1999General Standard for the Use of Dairy TermsCCMMP2022
CXS 207-1999Standard for Milk Powders and Cream PowderCCMMP2023
CXS 208-1999Group Standard for Cheeses in BrineCCMMP2022
CXS 210-1999Standard for Named Vegetable OilsCCFO2023
CXS 211-1999Standard for Named Animal FatsCCFO2023
CXS 213-1999Standard for LimesCCFFV2011
CXS 214-1999Standard for Pummelos CCFFV2011
CXS 215-1999Standard for GuavasCCFFV2011
CXS 216-1999Standard for ChayotesCCFFV2011
CXS 217-1999Standard for Mexican LimesCCFFV2011
CXS 218-1999Standard for GingerCCFFV2005
CXS 219-1999Standard for Grapefruits CCFFV2011
CXS 220-1999Standard for LongansCCFFV2011
CXG 23-1997Guidelines for Use of Nutrition and Health ClaimsCCFL2013
CXS 237-2003Standard for PitahayasCCFFV2011
CXS 238-2003Standard for Sweet CassavaCCFFV2013
CXS 245-2004Standard for OrangesCCFFV2011
CXS 241-2003Standard for Canned Bamboo ShootsCCPFV2023
CXS 240-2003Standard for Aqueous Coconut Products - Coconut Milk and Coconut CreamCCPFV2022
CXS 154-1985Standard for Whole Maize (Corn) MealCCCPL2023
CXS 250-2006Standard for a Blend of Evaporated Skimmed Milk and Vegetable FatCCMMP2022
CXS 251-2006Standard for a Blend of Skimmed Milk and Vegetable Fat in Powdered FormCCMMP2022
CXS 252-2006Standard for a Blend of Sweetened Condensed Skimmed Milk and Vegetable FatCCMMP2022
CXS 253-2006Standard for Dairy Fat SpreadsCCMMP2023
CXS 249-2006Standard for Instant NoodlesCCCPL2023
CXG 32-1999Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced FoodsCCFL2013
CXS 256-1999Standard for Fat Spreads and Blended SpreadsCCFO2021
CXS 257R-2007Regional Standard for Canned Humus with Tehena (Near East)CCNE2007
CXS 258R-2007Regional Standard for Canned Foul Medames (Near East)CCNE2007
CXS 259R-2007Regional Standard for Tehena (Near East)CCNE2007
CXS 72-1981Standard for Infant Formula and Formulas for Special Medical Purposes Intended for InfantsCCNFSDU2023
CXS 260-2007Standard for Pickled Fruits and VegetablesCCPFV2023
CXS 57-1981Standard for Processed Tomato ConcentratesCCPFV2023
CXS 307-2011Standard for Chilli PeppersCCFFV2011
CXS 304R-2011Regional Standard for Culantro Coyote (Latin America and the Caribbean)CCLAC2023
CXS 301R-2011Regional Standard for Edible Sago Flour (Asia)CCASIA2023
CXS 306-2023Standard for Chilli SauceCCPFV2023
CXS 221-2001Group Standard for Unripened Cheese including Fresh CheeseCCMMP2022
CXS 222-2001Standard for Crackers from Marine and Freshwater Fish, Crustaceans and Molluscan ShellfishCCFFP2018
CXS 223-2001Standard for KimchiCCPFV2022
CXS 224-2001Standard for TanniaCCFFV2011
CXS 226-2001Standard for Cape GooseberryCCFFV2011
CXS 227-2001General Standard for Bottled/Packaged Drinking Waters (Other Than Natural Mineral Waters)CCNMW2019
CXS 243-2003Standard for Fermented MilksCCMMP2022
CXS 311-2013Standard for Smoked Fish, Smoke-Flavoured Fish and Smoke-Dried FishCCFFP2018
CXS 312-2013Standard for Live Abalone and for Raw Fresh Chilled or Frozen Abalone for Direct Consumption or for further ProcessingCCFFP2016
CXS 297-2009Standard for Certain Canned VegetablesCCPFV2023
CXS 296-2009Standard for Jams, Jellies and MarmaladesCCPFV2023
CXS 294-2023Standard for Gochujang CCPFV2023
CXS 146-1985General Standard for the Labelling of and Claims for Prepackaged Foods for Special Dietary UsesCCFL2009
CXG 76-2011Compilation of Codex texts relevant to the labelling of foods derived from modern biotechnologyCCFL2011
CXS 302-2011Standard for Fish SauceCCFFP2018
CXS 308R-2011Regional Standard for Harissa (Red Hot Pepper Paste) (Near East)CCNE2011
CXS 309R-2011Regional Standard for Halwa Tehenia (Near East)CCNE2011
CXS 303-2011Standard for Tree TomatoesCCFFV2011
CXS 78-1981Standard for Canned Fruit CocktailCCPFV2017
CXS 130-1981Standard for Dried ApricotsCCPFV2019
CXS 177-1991Standard for Desiccated CoconutCCPFV2023
CXS 70-1981Standard for Canned Tuna and BonitoCCFFP2018
CXS 94-1981Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type ProductsCCFFP2018
CXS 254-2007Standard for Certain Canned Citrus FruitsCCPFV2023
CXS 262-2006Standard for MozzarellaCCMMP2023
CXS 264-1966Standard for DanboCCMMP2022
CXS 265-1966Standard for EdamCCMMP2022
CXS 267-1966Standard for HavartiCCMMP2022
CXS 268-1966Standard for SamsøCCMMP2022
CXS 269-1967Standard for EmmentalCCMMP2022
CXS 273-1968Standard for Cottage CheeseCCMMP2022
CXS 274-1969Standard for CoulommiersCCMMP2022
CXS 275-1973Standard for Cream CheeseCCMMP2022
CXS 277-1973Standard for BrieCCMMP2022
CXS 247-2005General Standard for Fruit Juices and NectarsCCPFV2022
CXG 24-1997General Guidelines for Use of the Term "Halal"CCFL1997
CXS 175-1989Standard for Soy Protein ProductsCCVP2022
CXS 170-1989Standard for Pearl Millet FlourCCCPL2023
CXS 212-1999Standard for SugarsCCS2022
CXS 225-2001Standard for AsparagusCCFFV2005
CXS 313R-2013Regional Standard for Tempe (Asia)CCASIA2017
CXS 314R-2013Regional Standard for Date Paste (Near East)CCNE2013
CXS 315-2014Standard for Fresh and Quick Frozen Raw Scallop ProductsCCFFP2017
CXG 8-1991Guidelines on Formulated Complementary Foods for Older Infants and Young ChildrenCCNFSDU2017
CXG 13-1991Guidelines for the Preservation of Raw Milk by Use of the Lactoperoxidase SystemCCMMP1991
CXG 10-1979Advisory Lists of Nutrient Compounds for Use in Foods for Special Dietary Uses intended for Infants and Young ChildrenCCNFSDU2023
CXG 55-2005Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food SupplementsCCNFSDU2005
CXS 346-2021General Standard for the labelling of non-retail containers of foodsCCFL2021


Continent-wide webinar focuses on how improved food safety is essential to achieve nutrition targets and end malnutrition

By Lusibilo Witson MWAMAKAMBA WHO The African Union Commission (AUC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) held a successful webinar on 23rd February 2023 in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa (CCAFRICA). The webinar was held on the heels of the recently concluded African Union Year of Nutrition, 2022 and highlighted the inextricable links between food safety and nutrition to achieve optimal health [...]
14 March 2023

Much to celebrate at the Codex nutrition committee on women’s day

This International Women’s Day, 8 March 2023, the UN is calling on governments, activists and the private sector alike to power on in their efforts to make the digital world safer, more inclusive and more equitable. The Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU), taking place in Duesseldorf, Germany from 7 to 10 March has much to celebrate with women the focus of a hugely successful start to the session. The first day of discussion saw the [...]
08 March 2023

CCNFSDU / Council for Responsible Nutrition symposium open to all Codex delegates

The Council for Responsible Nutrition, a Codex Observer organization, will hold an in-person symposium on 5 March 2023 in Düsseldorf, Germany, prior to the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU). Speakers include Lynnette Neufeld, Director of the Food and Nutrition Division in FAO. Topics that will be discussed include: Populations in crisis: A global overview of health challenges and policy efforts Between nutrient deficiency and chronic disease: How nutrition has evolved Adapting nutrition intervention studies to demonstrate health impact.   Learn [...]
10 February 2023
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Key Facts

  • 793 million people suffer from chronic hunger.
  • 161 million children under the age of five are stunted.
  • 3.4 million people die each year due to overweight and obesity.
  • The cost of malnutrition is of about 3.5 trillion USD per year.

Nutrition and Food Systems

Boitshepo Giyose, Senior Nutrition Officer of the FAO Nutrition and Food Systems Division, explains the importance of nutrition and how it should be main streamed across all sectorial policies
