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Noticias sobre el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos

World Food Safety Day observed in Beijing, China

On 7 June, the Office of the Food Safety Committee of the State Council, together with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the National Health and Health Commission, the General Administration of Customs, and the General Administration of Market Supervision, hosted the 2020 China World Food Safety Day event in Beijing. Xiao Yaqing, Director of the Food Safety Committee Office of the State Council and Director of the General Administration of Market Supervision, attended the [...]
10 June 2020

Welcome to the World Food Safety Day in the Caribbean!

A message from the event organizers the Caribbean Public Health Agency, FAO and the Pan-American Health Organization:  This is a special year to celebrate and recognize the effort of people who work throughout the food production chain. This day is dedicated to farmers, producers, retailers, buyers, sellers, and consumers. We especially want to thank all actors along the food production chain for being there in crisis situations, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, and recognize their dedication to ensuring a continuous [...]
10 June 2020

#AskESFA Twitter Q&A explores shared responsibility of food safety

A live Twitter Q&A hosted by the European Food Safety Authority in collaboration with the Codex Alimentarius Commission answered questions about the #OneHealth approach, sustainable #foodsystems and the shared responsibility of #foodsafety. Bernhard Url, Executive Director EFSA teamed up with Tom Heilandt, Codex Secretary to tackle a range of challenging food safety issues that you can read about by following the Twitter thread below:   EFSA WFSD Twitter Q&A
09 June 2020

Vice President of India shows support for World Food Safety Day on social media

In support of the 2nd celebration of the World Food Safety Day the official twitter account of the Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu ran a a series of messages underlining the need to create awareness of foodbourne diseases and stressing how all those responsible along the food chain should work to ensure food is safe, healthy and nutritious.     On this World Food Safety Day,I call upon all stakeholders – Producers,Vendors,Consumers &Governmentsto ensure that the food we consume is safe, [...]
09 June 2020

An avatar unveiled in Brazil for World Food Safety Day

A 7 June 2020 World Food Safety Day campaign delivered many communication and dissemination tools, enabling several companies in the food supply chain, open during the pandemic, to share the message in a clear and playful way. An example of this is demonstrated by the activities coordinated by the Dr Adriana Abud, who works together with other professionals specialized in Safety Food to promote the Culture of Food Safety in companies. For 30 days, several calls were made, materials were sent [...]
09 June 2020

La inocuidad de los alimentos: un aspecto fundamental de política pública

El 8 de junio de 2020, el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Comercio (MEIC) de Costa Rica, con la colaboración técnica del Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) celebró el seminario web “La producción sostenible y su relación con la inocuidad de los alimentos”, en el que participaron varios panelistas representantes de diferentes instituciones y entidades del sector público y privado relacionadas con la producción y la inocuidad alimentaria, y que contó con la presencia virtual del Presidente [...]
09 June 2020

Cuba apoya el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos de 2020

Cuba ha confirmado la realización de una serie de iniciativas para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos El 22 de mayo se grabó una Conferencia que posteriormente fue subida al nuevo canal de Youtube de la Oficina Nacional de Normalización (ONN). Se puede seguir la página oficial de Facebook de la ONN: Todos estos eventos también se pueden seguir en la cuenta oficial en Twitter: Otros eventos son: Conferencia: "La normalización en tiempos de la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19): [...]
09 June 2020

Impact of COVID-19 in Africa - podcast with FAO's Blaise Ouattara

Blaise Ouattara, Food Safety and Quality Officer at the FAO Regional Office for Africa, answers questions from an RFI reporter to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on food safety and the challenges ahead. He also explains the positive effects of the pandemic, particularly in terms of hygiene measures and stresses the importance of practicing the WHO Five Keys to safer food.   Listen to the podcast on:
09 June 2020

Join the webinar Food Safety, Everyone’s Business: The India Experience June 10, 2020 | 11am - noon EST

Martien van Nieuwkoop, Global Director of Agriculture and Food Global Practice, World Bank will join Pawan Agarwal, Special Secretary, Logistics, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and previously the CEO of the Food Safety and Standards Authority India to talk about India’s experience with improving food safety.  The discussion will be moderated by Lystra N. Antoine, CEO of the Global Food Safety Partnership.   Speakers Pawan Kumar Agarwal Beginning his civil service career in 1985 as an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) [...]
09 June 2020

FAO and WHO teaming up for World Food Safety Day in Tanzania

Fred Kafeero, FAO Representative to Tanzania and Tigest Ketsela Mengestu, the WHO representative report from Tanzania on how important food safety is in the country. Kafeero highlights the role street vendors play and FAO's work to ensure their products are safe and nutritious, while Tigest Ketsela Mengestu reinforces the World Food Safety Day key message that food safety is everyone's business if we are to contribute positively to public health, trade, employment and poverty alleviation.  
08 June 2020