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Chile World Food Safety Day event will bring together national authorities to discuss food standards

The Chilean Agency for Safety and Food Quality (ACHIPIA) has organized a World Food Safety Day event for 7 June, 2023, under the title of this year’s theme, “Food standards save lives”. The in-person seminar will take place at Auditorio Edificio Bicentenario, Teatinos 92, Santiago Centro and will highlight the effort and work carried out by the competent national authorities and organizations in matters of food standards setting and implementation. The objective of this activity is to highlight the importance of [...]
07 June 2023

Mexico national association targeting various audiences in a World Food Safety Day forum

The National Association for Food Safety and Quality in Mexico (ANICA) is organizing its 2nd National Forum on Food Safety, which will take place on 7 June in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico with the theme “Food standards save lives”. The event is being organized by ANICA, the Technological Institute of Mazatlán and the Coordination for the Promotion of Scientific Research and Innovation of the State of Sinaloa (CONFIE Sinaloa). The event will include an ANICA Children's event and an ANICA "At Home" programme, [...]
07 June 2023

Online event planned for Spain’s Federation of Food Science and Technology Associations

Under the title, “Food standards in a scientific and sustainable environment” FEDALCYTA (Federation of Food Science and Technology Associations), in collaboration with the Torribera Food Campus of the University of Barcelona, have organized an online seminar to participate in World Food Safety Day. The event coincides with the European Green Week and the European Year of Skills. Member associations (ACTAE, ACYTAEX, Associació Catalana de CTA and ATECTA-Aragón) will use this event to explore the importance of addressing food safety from a [...]
07 June 2023

World Food Safety Day event in Japan to hear from experts on food safety along the food chain

The Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) will hold an online event for World Food Safety Day on 7 June “as a place to learn and share food safety with everyone involved in the food chain”. The event will hear from speakers on a variety of food safety topics, including a Codex Alimentarius Commission 60th Anniversary Lecture “Codex Standards and Risk Assessment” from Professor Hajime Toyofuku from the Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Yamaguchi University. Date:    7 JuneTime:    14.00–17.00 hours (local [...]
07 June 2023

India workshop to explore Indian perspectives on food safety for World Food Safety Day

The Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT) is jointly organizing a World Food Safety Day event with the Society of Fisheries Technologists India (SOFTI), the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and the India Section of Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC International). The hybrid national technical workshop will take place on 7 and 8 June in Cochin, Kerala, India and online with the theme “Indian perspective on food safety, security and standards”. Abstracts [...]
07 June 2023

Bangladesh Food Safety Foundation to join with organizations for joint World Food Safety Day event

The Bangladesh Food Safety Foundation is planning a hybrid seminar jointly with other organizations on this year’s World Food Safety Day theme. To support and promote the event, the foundation will also produce an e-poster, e-flyer and other promotional materials to be distributed via email to food businesses & their associations print & electronic media apex chamber bodies, Members and district chambers of commerce. a customized e-poster, and e-flyer that will be uploaded onto a few non-professional and professional associations’ Facebook pages. Read more The Bangladesh Food Safety Foundation website
07 June 2023

Denmark’s Food Nation to celebrate World Food Safety Day in online event

Denmark’s Agriculture and Food Council, together with Food Nation, the government’s “gateway to information about the Danish agriculture and the food sector” will celebrate World Food Safety Day this year to discuss how the Danish food sector can “continuously assess, test and innovate their products”. The online event is aimed at “key people within food safety, innovation and marketing”. Date:    7 JuneTime:    10.00–12.00 hours (CEST) Read more RegistrationSend an email with name, title and company to: [email protected] marked "World Food Safety Day"
07 June 2023

Hospital caterers in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to convene for World Food Safety Day

Hospital caterers in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will be celebrating World Food Safety Day this year in a food safety study day that will take place in the town of Basingstoke in England. The local “Wessex” branch of the national Hospital Caterers Association is organizing a physical day-long event for members and non-members to discuss “this fundamental and important aspect of patient, staff and customer feeding”.  There will be a series of speakers plus a panel [...]
07 June 2023

World Food Safety Day awareness raising planned at Agro-industrial Technical Institute in France

The agro-industrial technical institute, ADRIA, in France is planning for its 20th annual agrifood industry (IAA) quality managers meeting, le Rendez-vous des managers de la qualité en IAA, to fall on World Food Safety Day this year. The two-day event will take place on 7 and 8 June in Rennes and will afford participants the opportunity of discussing the latest developments in the field of quality management. Read more
07 June 2023

Happy World Food Safety Day 2023!

Today, 7 June, we celebrate the fifth World Food Safety Day with the theme “Food standards save lives”. The day is being promoted across social media channels using the hashtag #WorldFoodSafetyDay, and all over the world, individuals, NGOs, private companies, local and national governments and international organizations are hosting events and activities to take up the call to raise awareness on how to prevent, detect and manage foodborne illness. Four official FAO-hosted events will take place today at FAO in Rome, and [...]
06 June 2023