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A week of food safety awareness to start in Nigeria

A week of food safety awareness to start in Nigeria A food safety academy in Nigeria named after the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system (HACCP) is organizing a week of awareness-raising activities in honour of World Food Safety Day. The HACCP Food Safety Academy Nigeria is planning daily events as of 1 June as follow: Day 1 – farm visit Day 2 – visit to logistics companies Day 3 – school visit Day 4 – visit to a market Day 5 – food safety podcast Day [...]
01 June 2022

Peru government plans educational programme for World Food Safety Day

The Ministry of Health of Peru (MINSA), through the General Directorate of Environmental Health and Food Safety (DIGESA) has organized a "Virtual Educational Day for World Food Safety Day in Peru" in conjunction with the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, through the National Agricultural Health Service of Peru (SENASA), and the Ministry of Production, through the National Fisheries Health Agency (SANIPES). The event will include the participation of  the National Institute of Quality (INACAL) the Peruvian Association of Consumers and Users [...]
01 June 2022

World Food Safety Day in Latin America and the Caribbean Region 2022

In view of the continuous challenges for food safety, the international and regional organizations of OIRSA, FAO, PAHO/PANAFTOSA, IICA, and the CCLAC coordination join forces, for the second consecutive year, to celebrate the World Food Safety Day with a webinar to raise awareness of food safety risks and emphasize the importance of eating safe food for better health.  The topics to be discussed are early warning systems, updates on MRLs for pesticides and alerts for contaminants in fruits and vegetables, food [...]
01 June 2022

World Food Safety Day guide now in Japanese

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (MHLW) has translated the World Food Safety Day guide into Japanese to raise awareness about the UN international Day and about the importance of food safety in Japan. Access the Japanese-language World Food Safety Day guide here Read more
31 May 2022

The Codex Committee of Senegal to host conference for World Food Safety Day 2022

On 25 May, the National Codex Committee of Senegal, together with the national offices of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), will host a World Food Safety Day “science day” on this year’s theme, “safer food, better health”. The French-language event will involve conferences, round tables and discussions and will take place at the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odonto-Stomatology (FMPO) at Dakar’s Université Cheikh Anta Diop. Two plenary sessions on [...]
25 May 2022

Korea celebrates its 21st Food Safety Day

To raise awareness of the importance of ensuring food safety, on 13 May 2022, the Republic of Korea celebrated its Food Safety Day with the slogan “Food Safety Together, Healthy Korea.” The country started this campaign in 2002, and this year marked the 21st celebration with a hybrid event that included in-person participation as well as a broadcast on YouTube. At the main event, the Minister Kim Ganglip (pictured) applauded Korea's achievements in this field, including the establishment of the Ministry [...]
20 May 2022

The Japan Food Safety Management Association gives lessons on the "Five Keys to Safer Food"

On 27 April, Masanori Kotani, Secretary General of Japan’s Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) delivered a lecture on food safety and the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) “5 keys to safer food” to second- and third-year students at Hokkaido Shizunai Agricultural High School. The session included quizzes, which helped make the food safety lessons more fun for the students. In addition, the third-year students took part in an online class, connecting the milk processing room and the classroom at Shizunai Agricultural High School by [...]
13 May 2022

The 2022 World Food Safety Day guide now available in Portuguese

O Guia para o Dia Mundial da Segurança dos Alimentos 2022 está aqui! The World Food Safety Day guide in Portuguese is now out and available for download. This means the 300 000 Portuguese speaking people across Africa, Asia and Latin America have direct access to information about how to participate in the UN Day that is marked on 7 June, making it easier for food safety advocates to raise awareness and inspire action. Since the first World Food Safety Day [...]
11 April 2022

The Global Food Safety Initiative - Delivering Impact for Safe Sustainable Food

After two years of online conferencing, the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) is an in-person event again this year. Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, over 900 delegates from across the food industry and the wider food safety community will discuss a wide-ranging array of food safety-related issues. The event sees GFSI “expand and strengthen its role, moving full speed ahead on its ‘Race to the Top’.” Meeting from 29 to 31 March, the conference will look at “every facet of the food [...]
29 March 2022


2022年6月7日被定为今年的世界食品安全日,庆祝活动的主题已于3月7日宣布。世界食品安全日指南 对“加强食品安全,增进人类健康”这一主题作了阐释,并就庆祝活动的内容和参与方式提供了指导。 2022年的活动将侧重于宣传更安全的食品如何增进健康和福祉,不仅是人类健康,还包括动物和环境健康。另将关注整个粮食系统需要改进的方式,以便我们能够种植、交易和消费健康和营养丰富的食品。在去年九月的联合国粮食系统峰会上,专家、专业人士、学者和民间组织讨论了全球社会应如何改变我们的粮食系统,以帮助实现可持续发展目标(SDG),并解决与气候变化相关的问题。食品安全是健康和可持续粮食系统的基础,也是实现可持续发展目标的基础。 联合国粮农组织(FAO)首席经济学家马克西莫·托雷罗在视频讲话中重点介绍了食品安全如何成为实现该组织所有四大支柱的关键,这四大支柱是:更好的生产、更好的营养、更好的环境和更好的生活。他呼吁观众投入时间和精力来改善各地的食品安全。 世卫组织负责全民健康保障/更健康人口工作的副总干事山本直子博士在她的视频致辞中指出,必须把食品安全作为更多人的优先事项,使他们更健康、更具生产力,同时减少对医疗保健系统的压力,建立更健康的粮食系统。 世界食品安全日的口号是“食品安全,人人有责”。考虑到这一点,指南和活动网站面向食品行业、学术界、学校、政府部门和公众。有一系列材料可用于帮助组织世界食品安全日活动,包括社交媒体卡片和六种语言的海报,可从Trello board下载。还有可用于制作世界食品安全日纪念品(例如帽子、T 恤衫、围裙和杯子)的模板。   鼓励所有活动组织者就活动细节和照片和我们联系。请洽:[email protected] 关于世界食品安全日用品,请洽:
07 March 2022