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粮农组织、世卫组织和食典委举办网上科学讲座庆祝 2021 年世界食品安全日

2021年 6 月 7 日,粮农组织总干事屈冬玉和世卫组织总干事谭德塞在一次网播Zoom 会议开幕时敦促国际社会采取行动,确保为每个人保障食品安全,构筑健康未来。 粮农组织总干事说:“食品安全对实现更高效、包容、坚韧和可持续的农业和食品系统、为全世界人民提供健康食品至关重要。”他鼓励各方协作,改造农业食品系统,以实现更好的生产、更好的营养、更好的环境、更好的生活。 世卫组织总干事指出,当食品安全得到改善时,我们就会减少饥饿、营养不良和婴儿死亡率。他说:“在这一艰难时期,我们对确保安全、健康和富有营养的食品承担集体责任。” 食典委的上级机构粮农组织和世卫组织的两位首席科学家作为特邀嘉宾出席了这次网上直播的世界食品安全日活动。 世卫组织首席科学家苏米亚·斯瓦米内森说:“科学是食品安全工作的核心。”这位首席科学家解释了如何利用科学开发解决方案,就像 2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)疫情中的那种情况。“您如何干预食品安全取决于您对哪些干预措施将对降低风险产生最大影响的理解。负责食品安全的机构需要利用食物链的信息来做出决定,分配资源,加强国家食品安全系统。” 食品法典委员会——出色而持续的合作 世卫组织和粮农组织向食典委提供的科学建议对制定基于可靠科学方法的国际食品安全标准至关重要。斯瓦米内森博士说:“我目睹了食典委的运作,这是一项出色而持续的合作。” 粮农组织首席科学家伊斯玛罕·埃洛阿菲女士引用了世界食品安全日的口号“食品安全,人人有责”,以提醒与会者和网络广播观众新的粮农组织食品安全战略将如何支持成员国增强食品安全能力,即鼓励包容性方法,让区域、国家和地方各级的利益相关者共同参与这项努力。 埃洛阿菲博士强调了这两个组织的协作性质,她说:“能够领导这个联合科学咨询项目,为食典委提供所有科学建议,我们深感自豪。该项目在包容性、科学卓越性和公正性方面享有最高声誉,从而吸引了全世界最杰出的科学家。” 成功的范例 食典委秘书处的David Massey先生介绍2021 年世界食品安全日 © FAO/Codex 庆祝第三届世界食品安全日也提供了一个机会来展示世界各地的食品安全成功案例。与会者关注的议题十分全面,包括青年教育、水资源管理、抗菌素耐药性、国际市场准入、食品加工、“同一个健康”(One Health)等等。他们对 2021 年的主题——保障食品安全,构筑健康未来——有了深入理解。 观看网络广播视频: 主图片:食典委秘书处的Sarah Cahill女士采访粮农组织首席科学家埃洛阿菲(左)和世卫组织首席科学家斯瓦米内森 © FAO/Codex
08 June 2021

World Food Safety Day celebrated in Georgia

In celebration of World Food Safety Day, the National Food Agency of Georgia has presented its annual report. The event was opened by Mr. Levan Davitashvili, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, who highlighted the achieved results and new challenges and thanked FAO and other international organizations for their continuous support in ensuring food safety in the country. "I would not exaggerate to state that in terms of food safety, the ministry has been working continuously, consistently and [...]
08 June 2021

World Bank hosts World Food Safety Day discussion on digital food safety

The World Bank is hosting a webinar on 8 June, to discuss China’s digital response to the food safety challenges the nation faces. Food safety risks in China can have a significant global impact both on the safety of China’s food exports and on global trust in China’s food industry. The COVID19 pandemic has only exacerbated such problems, “notably in processing, packaging and transporting agro-products.” This webinar will explore China’s “disruptive digital solutions for effective food safety management.” Such solutions [...]
08 June 2021

Kazakhstan holds Round Table "Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow" dedicated to World Food Safety Day.

As the Vice Minister of Health care E. Kiyasov (main photo) noted, food products consumed by the population determine the standard of living and well-being of future generations. WHO estimates that the consumption of food contaminated with bacteria, viruses or parasites, as well as toxic or chemical substances, causes 600 million cases of foodborne illness and 420 000 lethal cases each year. A welcoming speech was made by the founder of the primary health care in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the [...]
08 June 2021

Ensuring food safety across national borders in the African region … for a healthy tomorrow

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are to host a 2-hour webinar for World Food Safety Day, in conjunction with the Codex Alimentarius Secretariat and the Codex Committee for Africa (CCAFRICA). The event is entitled “Acting across national borders in the region for ensuring safe food for a healthier tomorrow.” The 8 June event will concentrate on countries’ need to invest in strengthening national food control [...]
08 June 2021

The Codex office in Honduras is holding a World Food Safety Day competition and webinars

Honduras’ Codex office will hold four World Food Safety Day webinars and, in an effort to encourage promotion of food safety generally, is also running a competition for companies throughout Honduras. Companies are being asked to send in videos, photos and testimonies that show how company employees were inspired to join in on World Food Safety Day celebrations. Three key criteria will be used to choose the three winners: Creativity Staff inclusion Relevance to good food safety awareness The winners will be announced on 8 [...]
08 June 2021

Kerala event in India to offer virtual creative competitions for World Food Safety Day

In India, the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), the College of Food technology, Thumburmuzhy and the Thrissur Chapter of the Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) have teamed up to run a series of competitions to “help in the proliferation of ideas and actions that foster the creation of safe and healthy food for a better tomorrow.”The initiative is called “FOODSALVATIO' 21” and will take place virtually on World Food Safety Day, 7 June and will include: a [...]
07 June 2021

Virtual student seminar in India will discuss safe food now for a healthy tomorrow

The Centre for Quality and Food Safety (CQFS), New Delhi, India has teamed up with Sharda University in Delhi to celebrate World Food Safety Day with a virtual seminar targeted towards students throughout India. The seminar is entitled “safe food now for a healthy tomorrow.” The winner of an e-poster competition that has been running will also be announced during this event. The seminar will be broken up into a morning and evening session, each with two speakers: Morning: Dr Shyamal Kumar Banerjee, [...]
07 June 2021

Ministra de Economía de El Salvador: Se prevé la aplicación y difusión de mejores prácticas de producción

El Salvador se unió a la conmemoración del Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos a través de un conversatorio virtual donde se dieron cita representantes de instituciones públicas, la  industria de alimentos, organismos internacionales y universidades para hablar sobre el lema de este año: Alimentos seguros ahora, para un mañana saludable. El Organismo Salvadoreño de Reglamentación Técnica -OSARTEC-, como Punto de Contacto del Codex Alimentarius organizó la actividad que contó con la participación de más de 230 espectadores y [...]
07 June 2021

YPARD Nepal celebrates World Food Safety Day with a photo contest

Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD), Nepal announced an online “World Food Safety Photo Contest 2021" with the global theme "Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow". The contest will run from June 7, 2021, to July 7, 2021, where the winner of the photo contest will be announced. The aim of the contest is to draw the youth’s attention to the current food safety scenario and come up with a better view of visualizing strength, potential contribution, and challenges on stabilizing [...]
07 June 2021