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Food Safety Authority of Ireland guides small businesses on food safety for World Food Safety Day

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has announced that its next “Breakfast Bites” event on 3 June will mark World Food Safety Day, by taking on the topic of ‘How to manage food safety in your business.’ The FSAI holds regular informal meetings aimed specifically at advising small food businesses and the 3 June meeting, hosted by the FSAI’s Lisa O’Connor, will address issues around what a food safety management system is, why businesses should put one in place and [...]
03 June 2021


粮农组织、世卫组织和食典委将在线举办世界食品安全日活动,讨论“保障食品安全,构筑健康未来” 在2021年6月7日世界食品安全日,联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)、世界卫生组织(WHO)和食典委秘书处将举办一次在线讨论会,邀请首席科学家Ismahane Elouafi和Soumya Swaminathan重点介绍当今和未来科学在确保食品安全方面发挥的重要作用。两位科学家将探讨今年世界食品安全日主题的重要性,该主题是:“保障食品安全,构筑健康未来。” 在讨论会开始时将播放粮农组织总干事屈东宇和世卫组织总干事谭德塞的致辞。 两位首席科学家将重点阐述粮农组织和世卫组织食品安全举措的科学基础。Elouafi博士(粮农组织)和Swaminathan博士(世卫组织)将着重介绍一些基于科学的政策支持、技术指导和能力建设活动,这些活动使成员国受益良多。 他们还将回答与会者提出的问题。 Elouafi博士是粮农组织成立以来的首位首席科学家,该职位由粮农组织总干事屈东宇于2020年9月设立。她曾在国际研究组织中担任过许多高级职务,还是各种战略专家小组和科学咨询小组的成员。她还因倡导被忽视和未充分利用的农作物而在国际上享有盛誉,并大力推动在科学领域增强妇女的权能。 Swaminathan博士曾是儿科医生,拥有三十年的研究和临床护理经验,重点是结核病和艾滋病毒。她曾在印度政府中担任高层职务,并在多个全球咨询机构中任职,包括世卫组织审查全球公共卫生战略和行动计划专家小组。担任首席科学家之前,她是世卫组织主管规划的副总干事。 来自世界各地的食品安全倡导者将介绍其成功经验,他们将展示不同部门的人在解决本地食品安全问题时采用的各种方法。 这次讨论会将持续45分钟,并将配备阿拉伯文、中文、法文、俄文和西班牙文口译。   请在此注册: 请通过粮农组织网站收看直播。 食品安全,人人有责:我们每个人都可以发挥作用。请在社交媒体上使用#世界食品安全日传播这次讨论会的消息。 详情请洽:[email protected]  
02 June 2021

Jamaican authorities to hold a live discussion for World Food Safety Day

Earl Stewart Jr, Director of Planning and Research at the Jamaica Customs Agency will open a 2-hour online discussion on 2 June for World Food Safety Day, on the topic of ''What the Food Business Sector and Government Sector are doing to ensure our food is safe to eat.'' Two further topics will take apart the World Food Safety Day theme for this year: "The Present Actions of each Entity to ensure safe food now" and "Future Actions to ensure [...]
02 June 2021

SAAFoST will hold a ‘Celebration Webinar’ for World Food Safety Day

The South African Association for Food Science and Technology is planning a webinar to celebrate World Food Safety Day. The event will take place on 2 June at noon local time (10:00 GMT) with an exciting line up of speakers, including Professor Lucia Anelich, of Anelich Consulting food safety solutions, Susan Featherstone, CEO of SAAFoST and Jane Nock, Chief Technical Food Science Officer for in2food, South Africa. SAAFoST includes scientists, technologists and other professionals serving the food and allied industries in [...]
02 June 2021

Kazakh students wish you all a Happy World Food Safety Day!

Under the auspices of their Professor, Maikanov B. S. and PhD, Auteleyeva L.T., students at the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University in Kazakhstan have made a video especially for World Food Safety Day. In a series of messages to their compatriots, the students say in the video that “food safety is a guarantee of health of Kazakhstan citizens,” “safe products are a guarantee of the future” and “food safety is the safety of the nation.” They also emphasise the World Food [...]
01 June 2021

Zhe Jiang University educates children on food safety, spreading the word to families and changing society

If World Food Safety Day is about spreading information about food safety, then the Zhe Jiang University’s 2020 project must be declared a roaring success. The Department of Food Science and Nutrition team in the College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhe Jiang University, established a “Food Safety Popularization on Campus” project for World Food Safety Day last year, with the aim of educating young people through basic science lectures, micro-class competitions, webcasts, theatrical performances and a free app. Since [...]
01 June 2021

Ecuador to host regional food safety webinars for World Food Safety Day

This year, the international and regional organizations FAO, PAHO, IICA, OIRSA, and the CCLAC have joined forces to celebrate World Food Safety Day in a 2-day webinar. The goal of the event is to bring together the different stakeholders involved in the food chain continuum so they can share their expertise and experiences. Topics to be addressed are ‘good practices in primary production’, ‘contaminants in food’, ‘experience with traceability systems’ and ‘food handling and foodborne illness’, with speakers from various countries [...]
01 June 2021

London School of Economics to discuss pandemic impact on Africa for World Food Safety Day

An “online public event” will be hosted by the UK’s London School of Economics (LSE) on 1 June to mark World Food Safety Day. The event will build on a conversation hosted by the School last year on the impact COVID19 may have in Africa. Now, the question is how food security and agriculture in Africa may have been impacted by the pandemic. Food safety is an important factor in this discussion. To promote the event, the LSE states that “the [...]
01 June 2021

Join the 2021 #WorldFoodSafetyDay Twitter chat

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and @UNstatistics will host a Twitter chat in observance of World Food Safety Day. Anyone with a Twitter account can join the conversation, which will be led by @UNstatistics around the hashtags #WorldFoodSafetyDay and #WFSDchat21. The online chat will stress the importance of involving everyone in the supply chain, from farm to fork, to keep food safe. Questions pertinent to current global issues will be raised, allowing Twitter users to share their views and [...]
01 June 2021

Celebrating World Food Safety Day in Jamaica

In Jamaica, this World Food Safety Day will be a food safety week of discussions, activities, media events and fact-checking exercises aimed at consumers, industry and decision-makers across the nation. The events started on Sunday 30 May and will continue until World Food Safety Day itself, Monday 7 June. The array of events has been organized and supported by the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Jamaica’s Bureau of [...]
30 May 2021