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World Food Safety Day event for Costa Rica’s Institute of Learning

07 June 2022
- Costa Rica
Costa Rica’s National Learning Institute (INA) will hold a World Food Safety Day virtual event on 7 June with two guest speakers. Esteban Murillo Viera, from INA’s Food Industry hub, will speak on "The National Learning Institute and its commitment to food safety in Costa Rica" and then Viviana Ramos Rodriguez, Director of the National Center for Poison Control, will speak about “General food poisoning trends in Costa Rica, according to [...]

Spain’s Veraliment to celebrate World Food Safety Day for the 4th year

07 June 2022
- Spain
For the fourth consecutive year, Veraliment is organizing a meeting for professionals in the food sector for World Food Safety Day 2022. Under the slogan "To protect lives", Veraliment will focus on those organizations and professionals who “put their effort and dedication into helping and protecting lives”. “This,” says Veraliment’s CEO, Andrés García, is “also Food Safety Culture, and is aligned with the values of protection, awareness and well-being that are promoted [...]

Japan’s Food Safety Commission will raise awareness about World Food Safety Day

07 June 2022
- Japan
Due to the importance of World Food Safety Day, the Food Safety Commission of Japan (FSC) will participate in this year’s celebrations by implementing the following initiatives to raise awareness of food safety among people of all ages, and to encourage them to take action to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. Initiatives of the Food Safety Committee: 1.  Circulation of a video message from the Chairperson of the Food Safety Commission, [...]

WHO Health Talks on Food Safety

07 June 2022
- Global
WHO is focusing on food safety for the third cycle of Health Talks from June 7 to 9, organized on the periphery of the World Food Safety Day. The dialogues are spread across three days and 11 sessions, with nearly 50 experts from around the world discussing current and emerging topics in food safety. The aim of Health Talks is to increase awareness and encourage a variety of stakeholders to [...]

Food Nation webinar for World Food Safety Day in Denmark

07 June 2022
- Denmark
The Danish Agriculture and Food Council, together with Food Nation, will be marking World Food Safety Day this year with a webinar that will focus on the theme of plant-based foods. According to the event website, the strong collaboration between companies and authorities in Denmark is a key reason for the “high quality and safety” of Danish food, and this “gives Danish food companies a unique opportunity to test, develop and [...]

Global food safety interconnectivity the subject of co-hosted event from the United States of America and Australia

07 June 2022
In collaboration with Environmental Health Australia (EHA), the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) of the United States of America will present a series of live discussions for World Food Safety Day, with regulators from around the world. The discussions will explore the interconnectivity of food safety and how food is kept safe in communities across the globe. NEHA President and Registered Environmental Health Specialist, Roy Kroeger, said "June 7 is World [...]

FAO, WHO and Codex to host online World Food Safety Day event

07 June 2022
- Global
World Food Safety Day 2022 celebrations will be marked by a panel discussion under the theme “Safer food, better health”. The event is hosted by the WHO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Codex Secretariat. The first half of the event will focus on the need to transform food systems to deliver better health, through an online moderated panel with WHO Assistant Director-General Dr Naoko Yamamoto [...]

University of Witwatersrand to raise food safety awareness on campus

07 June 2022
- South Africa
University of the Witwatersrand Services Department will be celebrating World Food Safety Day awareness for five days, from 6 to 10 June 2022. Activities will include food safety information stalls to be stationed at all campuses scheduled for 6, 8, 9 and 10 June, where activities such as food safety quizzes and information sessions will be held targeting ‘Wits’ students and staff. On 7 June 2022, the University will be hosting [...]

Food safety study to inform World Food Safety Day event in Guinea Conakry

07 June 2022
- Guinea Conakry
In the run-up to World Food Safety Day on 7th June, an NGO in Guinea Conakry, Nutrition pour Tous (Nutrition for All) plans to carry out a study on the state of food safety within the capital city, Conakry. The report resulting from this study will be the subject of a 7 June conference to which decision-makers from the health sector, trade and agriculture, as well as representatives from NGOs [...]

Improving emergency response in global food safety

07 June 2022
- Global
INFOSAN Secretariat is organizing a webinar ‘Improving emergency response in global food safety’ on 7 June at 12:00 CEST. The session will be moderated by Dr Jorgen Schlundt, member of the INFOSAN Advisory Group. The panel discussion with Ms Jenny Bishop, Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand, and Dr Fadi Naser Al-Natour, Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority, will focus on the global efforts that are in place at the [...]