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أخبار عن اليوم العالمي لسلامة الأغذية

World Food Safety Day/ India Webinar and Exhibition

The Post-Harvest Technology section of the Fisheries, Resources, Harvest and Post-Harvest Division (FRHPHM) at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Central Institute of Fisheries Education (ICAR-CIFE), Mumbai organized a World Food Safety Day event on 7 June. The National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) sponsored the programme. The events included a hybrid mode National Webinar on “Pertinent Issues in Food Safety and Hygiene” conducted by Dr Indrani Karunasagar, Director of Projects and [...]
13 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Celebrations in Chad

In Chad, World Food Safety Day was marked by a press conference organized by the Cabinet d’Expertise Six Sigma, a company specializing in a quality control approach covering the entire agrifood value chain. On this occasion, some local press outlets were invited, including FM Liberté, Radio Arc-en-ciel, Alwinda infos and Tchad 24. The message for the commemoration of this edition focused mainly on unforeseen situations in the face of incidents related [...]
13 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ ACT Project Activities in Pakistan

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Pakistan along with local and international partners organized a national dialogue on food safety on 7 June 2024 in Islamabad. Their Excellencies the Ambassadors to Pakistan of Denmark and Malaysia graced the occasion, as well as representatives of the Federal and Provincial Food Safety Authorities, relevant Federal Ministries, Animal Husbandry Commissioner and Chief Veterinary Officer of Pakistan, civil society, media, [...]
13 June 2024

منظمة الأغذية والزراعة ومنظمة الصحة العالمية تعملان معاً لضمان حصول الجميع على الأغذية الآمنة والصحية في منطقة الشرق الأدنى

القاهرة – 11 يونيو/حزيران، 2024 نظّم المكتب الإقليمي لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة في الشرق الأدنى وشمال أفريقيا بالشراكة مع المكتب الإقليمي لمنظمة الصحة العالمية لشرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط، حملة توعية بمناسبة اليوم العالمي لسلامة الأغذية تحت شعار "سلامة الأغذية: تأهب لغير المتوقع". وتركز فكرة اليوم العالمي لسلامة الأغذية هذا العام على التأكيد على أنه عندما يحدث غير المتوقع سواء كان كوارث طبيعية أو انقطاع الكهرباء، فهناك طرق نضمن فيها سلامة أغذيتنا. وفي [...]
13 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Mexico marketing company raises profile of food safety

In Mexico City the MacMa marketing company held a “Quality and Safety Fair” on 7 June to commemorate World Food Safety Day. Through various recreational activities, staff food safety knowledge was reinforced, to ensure the wellbeing of clients and consumers. Read more World Food Safety Day events this year
13 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Safe fish for healthy life

On 7 June 2024, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (ICAR-CIFT), Cochin, hosted a webinar on "Emergency Preparedness for Unexpected Food Safety Challenges," in observance of World Food Safety Day. The event was conducted online with four expert talks and interactive discussions. The first session was presented by Prof. Dr Iddya Karunasagar, an international consultant in food safety and advisor at Nitte University. He delivered a presentation [...]
12 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Mexico food company celebrates a day of fun and learning

Kay foods in Mexico ran a number of events for staff for World Food Safety Day in order to strengthen knowledge about food safety among staff. The day’s events involved a conference under the theme “Towards the consolidation of a culture of food safety in Kay foods,” where Dr Juan Antonio Cortes Ruiz, National Technological Research Professor of Mexico, Technological Institute of Mazatlán led proceedings. Staff then participated in a wide range [...]
12 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Nigerian Institute takes food safety to the street markets and media

The Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST), Lagos Chapter, commemorated the 2024 World Food Safety Day with a plethora of advocacy events. The Lagos Chapter of the Institute held week-long events, which commenced with members representing the institute in various media outlets, including TV, radio and podcasts, on food safety advocacy on this year's theme: "Preparing for the unexpected". In collaboration with government agencies, including the Lagos State Ministry [...]
12 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Eritrea debates ways to improve national food control systems

Eritrea has celebrated World Food Safety Day for the second consecutive year, this year. The Eritrean Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) organized a commemorative observance with the participation of representatives from ministries, regional administrations, national associations, higher educational institutions, the country offices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), stakeholders of development programmes, agriculture experts and food processors. The ceremony took place [...]
12 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Codex Cuba convenes multisectoral workshops

A workshop on the evaluation of food safety and quality, was held in Cuba 20–24 May at the Central Agricultural Health Laboratory Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Havana, Cuba. Experts and specialists from all the provinces of the country attended, as well as officials from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Codex Cuba Secretary. The event was also attended virtually by experts and directors of the Pan American Center for [...]
12 June 2024