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Noticias sobre el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health tweets ‘five commandments’ of food safety

In a series of tweets, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health has joined in the World Food Safety Day celebrations, with some illustrative animations, tips on food safety and advice for the general public. The 7 June tweets start with general messages observing that the COVID-19 pandemic has meant “the world has been through great changes” and as a consequence, people are cooking at home a lot more than they would beforehand. [...]
17 June 2021

Arty supermarket team members educate colleagues on World Food Safety Day

Two team members at Whole Foods Market in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the United States of America decided to educate their colleagues for World Food Safety Day this year, by creating “impactful displays” in the staff common rooms. Sirena and Krista used a lot of initiative and “our art backgrounds, to build and set up impactful displays to show how food safety is important.” They created a walk-through, installation “putting into perspective [...]
17 June 2021

Hungary’s Food Chain Safety Office prevents pain with its World Food Safety Day video

Staff at Hungary’s National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) have produced a humorous video to drum home a central message of World Food Safety Day: that failing to wash your hands when handling food can lead to discomfort and illness. The video was created by the communication staff of the Nébih office, with one colleague becoming inspired by a popular ‘meme’ character in Hungary, by the name of Harold. ‘Harold’ is actually an electrical engineer [...]
17 June 2021

Jamaican authorities celebrate World Food Safety Days with a week-long series of events

A week-long series of World Food Safety Days events in Jamaica began on Sunday, May 30, with a church service held at the Webster’s Memorial United Church. Hon. Floyd Green, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries recorded a video address where he spoke about the importance of safe food for food security, the efforts of the government to improve food safety and the theme of the celebrations in the country “Safe [...]
17 June 2021

Food Safety Summit South Africa teams up for safe food now for a healthy tomorrow

The Food Safety Summit South Africa, held virtually on 8-9 June 2021, in honour of World Food Safety Day, proved to be another successful and informative event. True to the maxim that “food safety is everybody’s business”, the event co-hosts, Food Focus and Anelich Consulting, composed a programme that covered an array of multifaceted topics relevant across the food chain. Delegates were given access to cutting-edge presentations from almost 20 local [...]
17 June 2021

Celebration in Poland, FoodFakty Safety Week gathered professionals around food safety culture

During the 5 days of the eFORUM, 35 experts from governmental authorities, public institutions, academia and the private sector presented and exchanged experiences on food safety and quality aspects. Overall 2 300 people registered and, according to organizers, it was far the biggest event around food safety in Poland. “We were experiencing hundreds of answered questions from participants,” said Janusz Olejnik,CEO of Założyciel Projektu FoodFakty (Food Safety Culture Initiative PL). Among [...]
17 June 2021

Recap from Denmark Food Nation’s Global Food Talk “Facing up to the global food challenge – Everybody has the right to safe, high quality food”

Food Nation hosted the second Global Food Talk on World Food Safety Day 2021 (7 June) with opening speeches from the Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Rasmus Prehn and Senior Food Safety Officer from FAO, Markus Lipp. Food safety and quality have a significant impact on many of the global challenges we must resolve whether they are food-related illnesses, food supply security, or sustainable production. Our global food systems [...]
17 June 2021

Sustainable Development Goal food safety indicator – plans explained in World Food Safety Day / Health Talks webinar

Dr Francesco Branca, Director of the Department of Nutrition and Food Safety at the World Health Organization (WHO) hosted an explanation and discussion of plans to propose a new, food safety, indicator for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a webinar that marked World Food Safety Day, and which contributed to WHO’s ongoing Health Talks series. Dr Branca was joined by his colleague at WHO, Dr Samira Asma, Assistant Director-General, Data, [...]
16 June 2021

Nigerian university professor sends a clear message on World Food Safety Day

On World Food Safety Day in particular, people are often reminded that if food is not safe, it is not food. In her address to the annual World Food Safety Day workshop at the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Nigeria, Professor Folake Henshaw went further. “If your food is not safe,” she told the 1000-seater hall, “it’s poison!” Henshaw is well known for her outspoken and passionate approach to spreading [...]
15 June 2021

Indian academics author articles for World Food Safety Day

On the occasion of World Food Safety Day 2021, members of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology, College of Engineering, in Yadrav-Maharashtra, India, authored two technical articles to promote the awareness campaign of World Food Safety Day.  Both articles address food problems that have arisen during the COVID-19 pandemic and explore the impact of COVID-19 on agricultural activities and food safety in Asian countries, including India. The college also [...]
15 June 2021