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Noticias sobre el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos

World Food Safety Day 7 June / Working together to make food safe

Guilherme da Costa, Chairperson Codex Alimentarius Commission Today we are celebrating the second World Food Safety Day, but we are observing this under very different circumstances to its inauguration a short 12 months ago. At that time we were still able to come together do discuss the importance of food safety. I was able to meet colleagues and friends from many Member countries face-to-face at a World Food Safety Day Event [...]
07 June 2020

Facebook live event kicks off World Food Safety Day celebrations for FAO and WHO

In a wide-ranging discussion on food safety “from farm to table”, World Food Safety Day celebrations got underway on Friday 5 June, 2020 with a virtual event broadcast from WHO headquarters in Geneva, hosted by Pippa Haughton, WHO (left). The Facebook live guests were Sarah Cahill, Senior Food Standards Officer in the Codex Secretariat and Francesco Branca, WHO Director of Nutrition and Food Safety. Several hundred thousand viewers from around the [...]
06 June 2020

Luxembourg launches online quiz for World Food Safety Day

Luxembourg has launched an online quiz ( on food safety topics (from 3 until 14 June, available in French and Luxemburgish) to celebrate the World Food Safety Day edition 2020. A press communication (in French) accompanied the launch of the quiz and shares the links to the EFSA website, to the new F2F strategy and to the results of the Eurobarometer 2019. The press release was also published on the national food safety [...]
06 June 2020

Food safety is everyone’s business “even yours and mine”

The words of Ojasvini Naik, at aged eight India’s youngest food safety ambassador and a young girl with both a passion and a mission, who is already a veteran of food safety messaging. At just aged 6 Ojasvini learnt through participating with her Mother in food safety training for food handlers that children her age carry the burden of foodborne disease with 125 000 deaths per year according to WHO. 2018 [...]
06 June 2020

World Food Safety Day Webinar on what is safe and nutritious food

To celebrate World Food Safety Day, Dr Prakash Kondekar will be presenitng a webinar on what is safe and what is nutritious food. Date: Sunday 7 June Time: 8-9.30 PM (IST) Language: English   Agenda: About Food & its Category Food Adulteration Food Combinations Food Frauds Q & A Youtube Live Streaming   To register:
06 June 2020

AIARD 2020 - Making Food Safe: Meeting the Global Challenge - online events 8-11 June

Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt will take part in a webinar organised by the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development (AIARD) June 8th, 11 am - 12 pm EDT: COVID-19 and Food Safety The Codex Secretary's presentation is titled "Food Safety in the Time of COVID-19: The importance of maintaining and strengthening international cooperation in times of isolation". Session moderated by Thomas Pesek, UNFAO North America Liaison Office   Registration Follow the link to register for this and [...]
06 June 2020

Cabo Verde marks World Food Safety Day with a press conference

To mark World Food Safety Day, which is celebrated on 7 June, a press conference will take place on 8 June 2020 at 10 am at the University of Santiago - Campus da Praia (School of Technologies and Management), located at the São José Seminary, Prainha - Praia. This event aims to clarify for the audience the main aspects of the responsibility for food safety shared by the government / authorities, [...]
05 June 2020

Food safety in the time of COVID-19 webinar - Sunday 7 June 2pm (GMT+3)

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology - Food Safety Webinar  Sunday, June 7, 2:00 – 3:00 P.M. (GMT +3) Participate Online   Chris Sealey, Vice President, Community Life invites you to join Community Life, in celebrating the World Food Safety Day on June 7. The action-oriented campaign theme is "Food safety, everyone's business" and aims to enhance global food safety awareness.  Food safety is a shared responsibility. This webinar is designed to share information and resources regarding food safety and COVID-19. The goal is to [...]
05 June 2020

La Red Internacional de Promotores de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) Ecuador se suma a la celebración del Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos.

En un mundo donde la cadena de suministro de alimentos se ha vuelto más compleja, cualquier incidente adverso a la inocuidad de los alimentos puede tener efectos negativos globales, afectando a la salud pública, el comercio y la economía. Todos y todas tenemos un papel que desempeñar, desde el campo hasta la mesa, para asegurarnos de que los alimentos que comemos sean seguros y no dañen nuestra salud. Los alimentos inocuos [...]
05 June 2020

Inocuidad de los alimentos y COVID-19, ¿relación u obsesión? Explorando la realidad con base en el análisis del riesgo: Seminario web realizado por FEDALYCTA

Este año, en el marco de la celebración del segundo Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos, FEDALCYTA, el Campus de la Alimentación de la Universidad de Barcelona y FEDNU, organizan un seminario web el 8 de junio. El seminario web "Inocuidad de los alimentos y COVID-19, ¿relación u obsesión? Explorando la realidad con base en el análisis del riesgo" tiene como objetivo ofrecer un panorama general de los cambios [...]
05 June 2020