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Новости о Всемирном дне безопасности пищевых продуктов

Celebrations in Kenya to mark 2nd World Food Safety Day

Kenya joins the rest of the world in celebrating the 2nd World Food Safety Day. Due to the current challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic the celebration will occur by live promotions on local television networks/Radios, Live discussion/awareness forum on television, a series of webinars and print media/ newspaper supplements. The events will be facilitated by various government ministries involved in national food safety services. The Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, [...]
05 June 2020

Joint Asia-Pacific webinar held to celebrate World Food Safety Day

A webinar for the Asia-Pacific region held on 3 June 2020, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), World Food Programme (WFP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) attracted nearly 1000 participants and included speakers and panelists from government, private sector, academia and consumer groups. Food safety has come into the spotlight during the COVID-19 pandemic and the webinar [...]
04 June 2020

Qatar to promote food safety in a two-week campaign

On the occasion of World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2020, the Ministry of Public Health of Qatar will organize a two-week virtual campaign under the theme “Food safety, everyone's business”  to promote awareness to consumers by disseminating brochures, banners and messages through social media, radio, press interviews and a press release. The campaign aims to encourage consumers to follow containment-related health measures while grocery shopping and to improve their knowledge [...]
04 June 2020

Tajikistan to celebrate World Food Safety Day with comprehensive communications campaign

Food safety is a priority by the government of Tajikistan. In commemoration of the day, the government plans to roll-out a comprehensive communications campaign with the purpose to: (i) raise awareness of the population on the WHO five keys to safer food; promote food safety as everyone’s business; improve food safety in markets and outlets; strengthen intersectoral collaboration; convene government agencies to take necessary policy decisions to strengthen the national [...]
04 June 2020

South Africa events and activities for World Food Safety Day.

In South Africa, the Department of Health, Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Developments and the National Regulator for Compulsory Specification, as Competent Authorities responsible for Food Safety and Control have, in collaboration with the food industry, scientific organizations and industry experts, planned a series of events and activities through on line and virtual platforms, including social media, with the aim to celebrate World Food Safety Day 2020 and [...]
03 June 2020

Joint World Food Safety Day event in Africa 8 & 10 June

This year, to raise awareness and inspire action for safer food in Africa, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO), World Food Programme (WFP), Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa (CCAFRICA), and the International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) are jointly organizing virtual World Food Safety Day (WFSD) events, in collaboration with the Government of Ghana, on 8 & 10 June 2020. Considering the ongoing [...]
03 June 2020

World Food Safety Day in Africa, webinar 7 June

The Joint FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committee for Africa (CCAFRICA) and the Africa Union Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources have organised a webinar to commemorate this year’s world food safety day as a region The 2nd observance of WFSD on 7 June 2020 promises to leverage on the momentum created from the previous celebrations. Africa Union Member States are desirous to collaborate in unison to focus efforts of reaching state and non-state actors [...]
03 June 2020

Join the #WorldFoodSafetyDay Twitter chat: new date June 9

Update: date change Now taking place on Tuesday 9 June 2020, the UN Food Systems Summit and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will host a Twitter chat in observance of World Food Safety Day. Anyone with a Twitter account can join the conversation, which will be led by @FoodSystems around the hashtags #WorldFoodSafetyDay and #WFSDchat. In view of next year’s UN Food Systems Summit, the online chat will look at [...]
02 June 2020

Всемирный день безопасности пищевых продуктов вместе с ФАО и ВОЗ

Во второй половине дня в пятницу, 5 июня 2020 года, ФАО и ВОЗ проведут прямой эфир в Facebook из штаб-квартиры ВОЗ в Женеве, Швейцария. Это 45-минутное мероприятие состоится за два дня до официальной даты, которая в этом году выпадает на воскресенье. Два эксперта по безопасности пищевых продуктов — от ВОЗ и от Секретариата Кодекса Алиментариус — обсудят создание и поддержание систем безопасного продовольственного снабжения и торговых площадок с продуктами для [...]
02 June 2020

Colombia joins World Food Safety Day Celebrations

Colombia joins the celebration of the World Food Safety Day through a series of webinars, where issues related to food safety and animal health in the agri-food production and supply chain will be addressed. The requirements to ensure food safety, have become the government's main demand to guarantee the health of consumers, while representing the major technical barrier in agri-food exports and imports as well. The Covid-19 pandemic, constitutes the largest [...]
02 June 2020