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Honduras Chumbugua Día de Inocuidad (adjusted).jpg

A sweet World Food Safety Day planned in Honduras


In commemoration of World Food Safety Day 2023, the Chumbagua Sugar Company (Compañía Azucarera Chumbagua) will hold a conference under the slogan "Food standards save lives", with the participation of the members of the food safety team who direct the processes of the different stages of the sugar production value chain. They will explain the importance of applying good practices to ensure safe food.

The event will be aimed at operational personnel who, in addition to participating in the conference, will have the opportunity to win prizes and gifts through competitions and knowledge questions on safety.

We all have a role to play in making sure that the food we eat is safe and does not harm our health, because food safety is everyone’s business. Safe food is essential to promote the health of consumers and end hunger, SDG 2 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.