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FAO to launch food safety management toolbox on World Food Safety Day


Get a first peek inside a new food safety toolbox!

FAO’s new website on Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) will be introduced during a World Food Safety Day hybrid event held on 7 June at FAO in Rome, Italy and online.

The toolbox, comprising of a series of practical guidance documents based on the Codex Alimentarius General Principles of Food Hygiene, aims to strengthen institutional food safety capacities for both public and private sectors. The website is a centralized repository for understanding and controlling food safety hazards.  It will assist policymakers and agrifood businesses ensure that their programmes and policies align with internationally recognized best practices - GHPs and HACCP. The guidance provided is insightful, easy to understand and outlines the roles and responsibilities of food business operators to keep food safe.

The event will include three sessions, each addressing key elements of the toolbox.

  • Sarah Cahill, Senior Food Standards Officer at the Codex Alimentarius Secretariat and Catherine Bessy, FAO’s Senior Food Safety Officer will kick off the event by introducing the GHP and HACCP toolbox and how it can help with the adoption of Codex Standards and the development of capacities.
  • Following this, members of the technical team from the University of Guelph led by Professor Keith Warriner from the Department of Food Science will explain how the tool will enable users to distil the science behind food safety and demonstrate the flexibilities incorporated into the on-line tool.
  • Cornelia Boesch, Food Safety Officer, FAO, will then moderate a Q&A session with Lazaro Msasalaga, Director of Quality Management for the Tanzania Bureau of Standards, on what the future holds and what benefits the toolbox might bring, particularly to small and less developed food businesses.

Jocelyn Brown Hall, FAO’s Director of the Liaison Office for North America, will offer closing remarks on the importance of collaboration within agrifood systems particularly when it comes to food safety.

Date:    7 June 2023
Time:    15.00 hours CEST

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