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FAO and WHO to host high-level World Food Safety Day event


On 7 June, World Food Safety Day, FAO and WHO will host a hybrid high-level event where participants can learn how food safety standards contribute to saving lives. The event will expand on this year’s theme for World Food Safety Day, “Food standards save lives”.

The event will open with remarks by QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General, and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.

During the 75-minute event, FAO’s Deputy Director-General, Maria Helena Semedo will moderate a short panel discussion with ministers for agriculture from Albania, Colombia and Kenya to discuss how Codex Alimentarius standards are making a difference.

The high-level exchange will be followed by a conversation about how food standards are promoting health, moderated by Francesco Branca Director of the WHO Department of Nutrition and Food Safety.

A second panel discussion will be moderated by Corinna Hawkes, FAO’s Director of Food Systems and Food Safety Division, with experts from various sectors. They will discuss the role of science in standard setting and food systems transformation and answer questions from the audience.

The event will also include an online poll and videos about food safety and food standards.

Closing remarks will be given by WHO.

Date:   7 June 2023
Time:   12.15 hours CEST

Register for the event here

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