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Chile World Food Safety Day event will bring together national authorities to discuss food standards


The Chilean Agency for Safety and Food Quality (ACHIPIA) has organized a World Food Safety Day event for 7 June, 2023, under the title of this year’s theme, “Food standards save lives”.

The in-person seminar will take place at Auditorio Edificio Bicentenario, Teatinos 92, Santiago Centro and will highlight the effort and work carried out by the competent national authorities and organizations in matters of food standards setting and implementation. The objective of this activity is to highlight the importance of food safety in the context of this year’s World Food Safety Day theme, to highlight the role of food standards in the context of food safety and quality in Chile and to learn about the national safety and quality system regarding the creation and implementation of food standards.

Contributors from the Ministries of Agriculture and of Public Health, the FAO country representative and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) country representative will be joined by representatives of different regulatory authorities within Chile, as well as the Chilean Codex vice-chairperson, Diego Varela.

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