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Three events in Colombia to celebrate World Food Safety Day


The Government of Colombia is organizing three events over three days to mark World Food Safety Day. The events will cover some fundamental issues around the subject of food safety.

On 9 June, Dr Margarita Corrales, a specialist in food safety for the Pan American Health Organization will speak on “Microbiological Risks of Foods - Focus on the Consumer.” A forum discussion has been arranged for the following day, where Carla Yojana Portillo Carrascal, an expert in animal production and the dairy industry, Ruby Cristancho Pabon, a food microbiologist and specialist in food safety, and Patricia Bonilla Torres a food engineer with more than 10 years’ experience in quality assurance will discuss “Quality and safety management systems in the production of food for small and medium-sized companies.”

The final day, 11 June, will see a webinar with a paper from Dr Marcos Sanchéz, a pharmaceutical biochemist from the Central University of Ecuador, who will speak on “Food Integrity, Beyond Safety.”

Date and time:

9-11 June 09:00 (14:00 GMT)